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Twelve-Day Lover (Thirtyish And Single)

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"Wow." Aya was in awe after listening to Fleur talk about how she had come up with feasibility studies to find the ideal bridegroom...only to end up falling for the Russian billionaire she had gotten stuck in an elevator with. She had always thought of her sister-in-law as this wonderful mix of sensible and outrageous, and those two things perfectly described Fleur's unorthodox approach to love.

"Wow indeed," Anneke echoed with a laugh. "And I can't believe you consider yourself anything but bold and assertive. Think back to all the times you got yourself in trouble when we were young. You were almost always able to charm your way out of being punished," Anneke reminded her younger sister, "and you know that's saying a lot where Willem's concerned."

Willem's own wife nodded several times at this, which had everyone laughing. Serenity had known Willem since she was fourteen, and there was a time people had even taken to calling her as Willem, Jr. because they had seen her more as the billionaire's protégé than a prospective girlfriend.

"I really can't see myself as the B&A type," Fleur said stubbornly, "but even I know I'm different when I'm with Julian. He just makes me feel so—-"

"Sexy?" Serenity guessed.

"Spontaneous?" Aya put forward.

Jaak's wife Ilse wrinkled her nose at the two younger women. "We're trying to make fun of Fleur here. We need to be more evil, and say something like...shameless?"

Fleur made a face, and Ilse laughed. "But it's true, isn't it?"

"No, no, no," Anneke said with a shake of her head. "I'm sure it's more appropriate to describe Fleur right now as sluttish..."

And so on and on it went, and the ribbing only stopped when they made it back to their table, and Fleur was just a little alarmed to find Julian no longer there.

Jaak smirked at the telling expression on his sister's face. "Worried about where your new man's gone?"

Fleur quickly lifted her chin. "Nope." Yes. "Anyway, I should get back to our friends." She blew everyone a kiss while making sure not to meet Willem's eyes, but just as she was about to turn away—-


Oh, shit.

That soft, oh-so-courteous voice made her feel like she was five again, and Fleur swallowed hard. She slowly turned around and nearly died of shock to find Willem already standing right behind her. Why was he so damn good at sneaking up on everyone?

Identical blue eyes gazed down at her, and Fleur worked hard to keep herself still and her face expressionless.

Growing up, she often heard people describe her oldest brother as this incredible person that had everyone in awe. And while there were a lot of times she had found him intimidating as well—-

"Is something troubling you?"

At the end of the day, Willem was Willem, the big brother who knew them best and had sacrificed practically everything to raise her and her siblings. He scared and annoyed her, but above all else, he loved her. Always. And it was this that had Fleur's eyes start to sting even as she succumbed to the urge of seeking comfort in Willem's embrace.

His arms wrapped around her, and Fleur felt like she was indeed a little girl again when she felt him kiss the top of her head.

"You're in love with him."

It wasn't a question, but she answered him anyway. "I'm afraid so."

"He's a good man."

"I know."

"But he could still hurt you."

Fleur nodded against his chest even as her lip started to tremble. "I know that, too."

PLATES FOR THE EVENING'S first course had already been taken away when Julian got back to his table, and he grimaced in apology at Fleur's chiding look.

"Where have you been?" Fleur asked with a pout. "Or is this another one of those things that you can't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, milaya." Julian tucked the loose strands of Fleur's hair behind her ears as he spoke, and a secret little thrill ran down her spine when she saw how his touchy-feely ways still had other guests gawking.

This was another sign that Operation Yuletide 2.0 would be a success. She just had to be patient. Marathon, Fleur, and not race.

"Bobby hauled me off to sign some checks."

Hearing this reminded her of the items that he had so obviously bid on without thought earlier, and Fleur swallowed back a giggle. "Poor baby. Did I make you overspend?"

Julian's eyes bored through hers, and she could no longer stifle a smile.

"Try having yourself auctioned like that again one more time, and I'll give you a spanking you'll never forget."

But this only made his little flower look at him with blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. "Oh my gosh. I can't wait."

Julian groaned while the others in the table, having heard the entire conversation, only laughed.

Conversation flowed as freely as the delicious wine being served, but Julian's positive comment on his second glass of Cabernet Sauvignon had Fleur nearly choking.

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