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Fallen Crest High (Fallen Crest High 1)

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"Look," I started. "I'm not up for another party. Besides, I think that Tate girl is out for my head. "

Mason shot up from the doorway and the wall slammed over his face again. "Tate?"

Logan's eyes clasped shut behind him and his head went down. His shoulders dropped.

I sucked in my breath and my eyes widened. "Uh…I mean…"

"You met Tate?"

I nodded.

"At the last party?"

I nodded again.

"Why'd she be pissed with you?"

I shrugged and looked away.

"Sam. " He grasped my shoulder and I squeaked. I threw a look at Logan, but quickly glanced away. Too late. Mason followed my gaze and saw his brother. "Tate's in town?"

Logan's head lifted and a haunted look was in his eyes. "Yeah. "

"When?" Mason's voice was biting.

"She came last Saturday. She was looking for a chick that Sam's quarterback was banging. "

Mason looked back at me. His eyes were cold. "What does she want with you?"

"Becky and I lied to her. She seems like the type to hold a grudge. "

"What the hell, man?"

It took me a second to realize Mason wasn't referring to me. I looked up with his hand still on my shoulder and saw something pass between the two brothers. Logan backed up and gave him a tight smile. "What do you want?"

"You're still covering for her. "

Though Mason's statement came out quiet, there was a dangerous feel to it. The hairs on the back of my neck stood upright and I was frozen in place. His hands gripped my shoulder tighter. A bruise would appear there, but it didn't hurt. I didn't feel a thing at that moment.

"Sam, honey?" My mom's voice came up from the stairway.

Everyone reacted.

Mason shoved me away. When I caught my balance and looked up both of their doors had been shut. I hurried into mine and locked it when my mother turned the knob. "Sam, can you please talk to me? I'd really like to talk to you about David. And James told me he had a word with you. I'd like to talk to you about him as well. " She waited a moment. "Please, honey?"

I stood on the other side and held my breath. My heart was pounding, but it wasn't from my mother, for once. And then when I heard her walk away, I let out that deep breath and sagged against the door. My hands and legs shook when I made my way to the shower so I slid down the wall and let the water slam over me.

It was an hour later before I went downstairs in sweats and a tank. My hair was pulled back by a headband and my body felt strong from the latest run. When I went into the kitchen, I expected everyone else to be gone, but drew up short. Logan sat at the table in the dark. A glass was in front of him and a bottle of Brandy beside that.

He looked up at me and his lip curved upwards in a snarl. "Hey, thanks. "

"For what?" I eyed him, but relaxed when he didn't stand up.

"Tate. "

"Where's Mason and Nate?"

"Where do you think?" he bit out and raised his glass for a drink. He set it down hard.

"What?" I couldn't believe this. "Are you being punished? Did they go out without you?"

He sighed and looked away.

"Are you twelve now?" Where had the cocky smooth-talker gone? Or the vindictive guy who had humiliated Jessica for me?

His voice came out low. "There's a lot of history that you don't know about. "

"Why are you telling me that?"

His eyes found me and the seriousness in them held my breath. "So that you can tread carefully from now on. " He pushed up from the table now. "My advice: shut up about what you don't know. " He brushed past me as I stood still and finished the rest of his Brandy before he put the empty glass away. The bottle was left on the counter.

He left a second later and his yellow Escalade tore from the driveway.

It took me a moment to realize that my heart wasn't pounding. My legs were strong. And a sense of calm settled over me. What that meant, I had no idea.


My phone woke me the next morning and I groaned when I saw that it was past eleven. "Hello?"

"Hi!" Becky chirped at me.

I swore under my breath and buried my head under my pillow. "Whatdoyouwand?"


"Hold on. "I sat up and wiped at my face. I needed to wake up. I couldn't handle how alert she sounded at that moment. "Hi…"

"Did you just wake up?"

When I tried to straighten my legs, they cramped up and I bit back more curses. Pain throbbed in them and I knew it was from the running. How long had I gone last night?


"What?" I readjusted the phone when I felt myself waken more. "Tell me you're not going to bed now. "

"I'm not. " She giggled. "But my folks are going to the Fallen Crest Country Club with Adam's family. My mom wanted me to invite you. We'd pay for your entry and everything else is on Adam's dad. He has some account with the club, I think. "

"Since when do you guys go to the Country Club?"

"My parents aren't members, but we go with Adam's parents sometimes. They're members. "

That sounded right.

And then a different thought formed. "Is my mom a member there?"

She giggled again. "Do you mean is James Kade a member?"

I groaned. I'd forgotten she knew, hell—everyone knew. Maybe. I could spread a rumor that I paid the Kade brothers to act like they knew me. People would eat that up in an instant. Things would all go back to how they should've been, with me being alone.

"I have lots of gossip to tell you about last night too. " She sounded breathless in her excitement and I perked up. Whatever it was would be good, or I hoped. I could use some gossip that had nothing to do with me.

"Okay. What time do you want me over there?" I swung my legs over and stood. They were a bit wobbly, but I pushed past it and hurried into my bathroom. "Should I meet you at the club?"

"We could pick you up?"

"Becky. "

"Okay, okay. Yeah, meet us at the club. We're going to leave soon so call me when you get to the parking lot. "

"Sounds good. "

"Oh and I think Adam's bringing Tanya. "

"Who's Tanya?" Then I remembered. "Is her cousin going to be there too?"

"I hope not. " Becky kept giggling. "See you there!"

"See ya," I mumbled into the phone before I ended the call and set it down. I frowned at it for a moment. She sounded very perky and very excited. Becky like that, with Adam bringing a girl, couldn't mean anything good…could it? Was I being paranoid?

I rolled my eyes at my reflection and went to work. My hair was a ratted mess, but by the time I had dressed in black skinny pants and a loose white long-sleeve shirt, my hair was back to its normal self. Straight and a little dull. It was how I liked it. I tucked it behind my ears when I slipped on some heeled sandals and grabbed my purse. This was the country club, I'd need to dress a little bit of the rich part.

No one was in the house when I breezed out except Mousteff. He poked his head out, saw my appearance and wolf whistled. I flicked him the middle finger, but he laughed as he went back to the kitchen.

When I pulled into the parking lot, it was full of brand new BMWs, Rolls Royces, and whatever other rich cars there were. I thought I spied a Lamborghini too. And then I straightened out my top as I started towards the door. With a text sent to Becky, I figured she'd meet me in the front foyer, but when I got there I drew up short.

Two guys in black suits stared at me with no welcoming smile.


A different guy emerged from behind them with a headset attached to his ear. He was dressed in a white suit and he gave me a fake smile. "Your name, miss?"

"I'm here with friends. " My hands itched to spread out my top again or readjust my pants. It was as if slugs had appeared over my body from how they were

staring at me.

"Their names?" The guy was cold.

"Uh…" My mind blanked. "The Quinns. I'm friends with Adam Quinn. "

"He already arrived with a guest. " He gave me that same cold smile. "You'll have to leave. "

"No, no, no. " Becky rushed around them and linked elbows with mine. She was breathless when she hurried out, "My mom paid for her. "

He didn't blink. "Her name, ma'am?"

Becky couldn't stop a giggle behind her hand. "Samantha Strattan. "

"David Strattan?"

My head snapped up. "What?"

"Your name is listed underneath a member's name. He listed you as a guest. " The polite chill from him emanated everywhere. His lips moved to form a smile, but it didn't fit with his features. "Your mother will be refunded her money. "

He extended his hand for us to enter the club, but both of us were still surprised.

"You may go inside? Please. "

We jumped forward at his slight bark. Then Becky bent over laughing when we rounded the corner. "Holy Hannah! I can't believe that happened. What is with that guy? I bet he'd never had an erection in his life. "

I glanced over my shoulder and knew he could hear every word we said. "Nah. He bats for the other team. "

Her laughter raised a notch and I pulled her away before he kicked us both out. I patted her on the arm. "I had no idea my dad was a member here. "

Becky wiped at her mouth and I knew she was trying to stop laughing. "I know. Me neither. "

When she seemed to have accepted my statement, I relaxed again. She might've known about the divorce, but she didn't know the other stuff. I hoped no one knew. Then we weaved our way through a fancy looking dining room with chandeliers and glass tables. I made sure not to bump into anything. If I broke even a fork, I was sure I couldn't afford to replace it. And Becky pulled me the last bit before I blinked back the sudden brightness. The sun was blinding when we went outside and I heard splashing, glasses clanking, and children's laughter. Conversation buzzed around us and when my vision grew clear again I saw the back patio was enormous. It was gorgeous with three waterfalls and two fountains.

She led me to a back patio where I recognized Laura and Becky's little brothers. Adam sat at a back table with the pepgirl from last weekend's party. His smile slipped a little when he saw me, but by the time we got to the table it looked natural.

"Hey, Sam. " He sounded normal when he welcomed me.

"Hi, Sam!" His friend beamed at me.

"Tanya. " He nodded at her.

"I remembered. Hi, Tanya. Your cousin's not coming, is she?" I sat across from them in a similar wicker chair when Becky sat beside me and gestured for a waiter.

She laughed and pulled up her skinny legs in the chair. As she hugged them to her chest, she rested her head on them and smiled at Adam.

He shared the intimate look before he replied for her. "No, she's not. "

Then Tanya lifted her head and looked over her knees. "Tate went home this morning after last night. "

"Last night?" I stiffened and glanced sideways.

Becky gave me an excited look. "I have to tell you all about that. "

Oh no.

A waiter appeared and placed a champagne flute of orange juice in front of me. A plate full of breakfast food was next with bacon, waffles, French toast, and sausage. A bowl of fruit was put to the side.

I caught the waiter's sleeve before he left. "Can I have coffee?"

"Of course, ma'am. "

Ma'am. What's with the ma'am stuff?

"Sam!" Becky snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I jerked around.

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