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Claiming My Sweet Captive

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“Mind your language.” I increased the pressure of my fingers around her throat, carefully restricting the blood flow to her brain. I allowed her to breathe, but this would force her to soften and clear the anger from her mind.

She tensed for a few seconds, gasping in fear. It didn’t take long for her to relax beneath my hand. I released her before she passed out, tracing the line of her artery with my fingertips as she drew in a breath and let it out on a shuddering sigh. The return of oxygenated blood to her brain would flood her with euphoria, and I wanted to elicit pleasure from her, by any means necessary. She didn’t control her body. She didn’t control her pleasure. It was mine to give or take as I saw fit.

Now, I wanted her shuddering and sobbing for release. Her first orgasm.

Something hot and savage raced through my veins, a possessive heat I’d never experienced before. I’d never had the pleasure of claiming a woman as innocent as Samantha.

“That’s better,” I praised, continuing to stroke her neck as she drew in deep, even breaths.

My savage satisfaction licked at my chest like flames when she let out a soft moan. She arched slightly, turning her head and offering her vulnerable throat to my hands, inviting more.

I would give her so much more.

More than she could bear.

She’d take everything I gave her and surrender everything I demanded of her.

“Stay just like that,” I murmured before pushing off the mattress and moving to the foot of the bed. I quickly secured her ankles with leather cuffs attached to my bedposts by short chains, spreading her wide for me. Her pink pussy was flushed and wet with her desire.

I retrieved the final item I’d prepared for her from my pocket: a small tube of arousal cream. I applied a generous amount to my fingers and indulged in caressing that pretty pussy.

When I stroked over her folds, she tensed and tugged against her restraints. She didn’t twist as wildly as she had earlier, but it was evident that her fear was resurfacing. My innocent captive really was skittish.

I shushed her and coated her clit with the cream. It began to harden as I circled it, her desire rising despite her trepidation.

“This part will be over soon,” I reassured her. I would wait until she was so lost to lust that she forgot to fear my hand on her cunt.

She gasped and shuddered as I continued circling her clit. She stopped pulling against the cuffs, but her shudder turned to a fine tremor that raced through her entire body. Her desire was souring, so I finished rubbing the cream into her tender flesh as quickly as possible and gave her a reprieve from my touch on her pussy.

I sat back for a short time, watching her tremor turn to a needy quiver. Her legs jerked, but she wasn’t trying to fight her way free. She squirmed to seek stimulation against her sex as the cream began to affect her, making her flesh heat and tingle.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked breathily.

I applied more cream to my fingertips and began stroking around her nipples, rubbing the substance into the pink peaks. They tightened to hard buds beneath my touch. Her mind might not understand what she was feeling, but her body responded beautifully.

“This is arousal cream,” I explained. “Not that you need it to feel pleasure. You’ve already soaked my hand when I spanked you. This is to help you get past the fear. Soon, you’ll be desperate for me to touch your pretty pussy. You’ll beg for me to grant you release.

Need will outweigh fear. Then, we can move forward with your training.”

“I don’t want to be trained,” she protested on an adorable whine as she began to squirm. Her back arched, pressing her breasts into my hands as she mindlessly sought more stimulation.

A strange sound rolled from my chest. I wasn’t accustomed to laughing so much, but Samantha really was delightful. “Most wild things don’t. And you are a wild thing, aren’t you? You’re innocent, untouched. But your body hungers to feel pleasure. Once we get past your fears, I suspect you’ll be a very greedy girl. You’ll crave my touch. You’ve already responded so well to your spankings. You’ll learn to respond to positive reinforcement, as well.”

“You make it sound like I’m an animal.” Her protest was ruined by her panting breaths. “I’m not.”

“No, you’re not,” I agreed, skimming my hands down her sides so I could learn the slight flare of her hips. “You’re a woman. But you’re mine. That means you’re whatever I want you to be. My plaything, my pet. Your sole purpose is to please me, to serve me. I’m your Master now, and it’s time you understood what that means.”

“But I—”

“Shhh.” I blew a stream of cool air over her nipples, the soft sound shushing her far more effectively than any rebuke. She let out a soft cry as her back bowed, thrusting her breasts toward me in offering.

A low sound of approval rumbled in my throat, and I pressed my lips against the soft swells, teasing her with the heat of my lips. She wiggled, her small breasts bouncing slightly as she tried to stimulate her nipples against my mouth. She groaned in frustration, and my cock twitched at the sound of her desperation. I was thoroughly in control; I’d earned the full focus of her mind and body.

“Has any man ever touched your breasts?” I asked, greedy to hear that I was the first. I wanted to be the first to claim her in every way possible.

I flicked my tongue over her tight nipples, and she let out a rough shout. I pulled back immediately, denying her further contact as I blew cool air over her heated peaks. She whimpered and writhed, slipping deeper into my control. She had none. She was helpless to resist the sensations I was inflicting upon her, the pleasure I was eliciting from her untried body.

“Answer me,” I prompted, relishing toying with her. I didn’t have to torture her to draw out the truth; my perverse form of torment would achieve the desired result. “Be honest, and I’ll kiss your pretty pink nipples.”

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