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Still Jaded (Jaded 2)

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his hand dropped. His shoulders hunched and he looked away. "Yeah, I'm coming to your party tonight."

"Good." I blinked and brushed away a tear. "I have to go. I've got to order the food and kegs."


"Sparky's." I gave him a tight nod for confirmation before I turned the corner. I cursed underneath my breath when I saw how my arms trembled. I could barely hold onto my purse but kept walking until I noticed someone standing in front of me. I looked up and saw one of the reporters from the other night. She swung a handheld camera towards me and flipped it on. "Sheldon Jeneve, what's wrong? Why are you crying? What's upset you?"

I shouldered past her, but she followed. "Is this because Guadalupe arrived at LAX two hours ago? I heard rumors that she's going to attend Bryce's first Suns game. Does that concern you at all? Is that why you left Spain, because of her?"


I didn't stop when I heard Corrigan's shout. As I pressed through the doors, I heard a scuffle behind me before the reporter cried out, "Let go of me."

"Leave her alone."

"Are you her new boyfriend?"

Then the door closed behind me. I didn't hear Corrigan's response.


Kegs. Check. All six of them.

Food. Check. Scheduled to be delivered from Sparky's thirty minutes before the first people would arrive.

Place. Check. Mine. Obviously.

So what else did I need for my party? People. I didn't need to worry about that.

I sighed, smoothed my hands down my pants, and tried to relax. I was fine. Everything was fine. Everything would be fine.

Then the gate buzzed, and I cursed while glancing at the clock. The party wasn't supposed to start for another two hours, but no one would come until two hours after that. People should know the unspoken party etiquette of arrivals. As I checked the cameras, I saw the sorority girl who'd propositioned me earlier. I pressed the button to open the gate. A moment later, she was on my porch and I opened the door. "If you're hoping for secret time with Bryce or Corrigan, showing up early ain't the way to get it. They aren't here."

Cadence ran a hand down the sleek ponytail she had pulled high on the back of her head. Instead of the red polo shirt from earlier, she wore a white cashmere sweater that draped over a custom-fitted jean skirt and sparkly white sandals that matched her hoop earrings. She smiled, her lips frosted in pink. "I'm not here for them, and, despite what Leah said, we don't want to use you to raise our social standing within the Greek system."

Her eyelid twitched. It was slight and I might've missed if I hadn't been studying her, but I caught it. The girl was lying, and she was damn good at it, so I smiled back. "I know that you're lying, and you know that I know that you're lying. So let's dispense with the bullshit, and you tell me what you really want."

She opened her mouth to deliver another sweet lie.

I interrupted her. "Honey, I'm not someone you want to piss off and I'm going to get pissy if you keep insulting my intelligence."

Her mouth closed with a snap, and she reevaluated me. I thought she would've figured me out from her second assessment that morning, but apparently she hadn't. She did now as she smirked. A different look flashed over her face, as if a veil had been lifted. It revealed someone calculative. "It's not personal, but you have connections that we want. The girls want you to rush our sorority."

"What do you want?" Just business.

"Corrigan is the main player in his house. Their president is Dustin Lambers, but Corrigan's the one who calls the shots. He's Bryce Scout's best friend after all, and besides, Corrigan is much smarter and way more charismatic than Dustin could ever hope to be."

I had underestimated this girl just as she had me. Few people realized how smart Corrigan really was; he was practically a genius. This girl had figured it out. That meant this girl was capable of more than I had originally thought. "So do you want Corrigan? Or do you want Bryce?"

Again, I caught a spark of surprise in her shrewd eyes. Most girlfriends would never ask outright if someone was angling for their boyfriend. I wasn't most girlfriends. Let's be honest: Corrigan was a big fish at school, but Bryce was becoming a big fish on a global stage. The real catch wasn't Corrigan, at least not for this girl.

"Are you asking me if I want your lover?"

"He's a lot more than my lover, but you know that. So lay out all your cards."

"Fine," Cadence smiled. It seemed genuine. "I want Bryce, but I don't want him for the sorority. I want him for myself, but I'm not stupid. I am aware of how devoted he is to you. He worships the ground you walk on, but the moment that you turn your back to him, I will be there. My arms will be wide open." She didn't even blink. "I'm showing you respect by being honest. Something tells me you're used to having other women interested in your lover."

She used that word again. I gritted my teeth because it was an insult to who Bryce was in my life.

Cadence continued as she sleeked back her ponytail again. "Don't worry, I have no intention of trying to cause dissension between you two, but once it's there I won't hold back. Like I said before, Bryce is my prize. Corrigan and his house really are what the sisters want. They want you to pledge as a sister because then Corrigan and his house will always do socials with us. Contrary to some beliefs, parties really do wonders for making connections. Everyone has a rich and powerful daddy behind them, if you know what I mean."

Sadly, I did. "Corrigan doesn't have a rich and powerful daddy. His parents are so normal; they'd almost be boring if they weren't so perfect. No one's gonna get connections that way."

Cadence laughed. "Corrigan doesn't need a rich and powerful daddy. He's going to be just fine all by himself. This world isn't new to me, and I know a self-starter when I see one. His act is all party and good times, but his real self is all about business."

My eyebrows lifted. "Does Corrigan know this?"

"He's getting it. Slowly." Then her eyes skimmed me up and down.

I didn't like that look. Hell no. I wasn't lower class to her superior blue blood. "If you've got something to sweeten the deal, you better spit it out because I'm getting tired of this conversation. You want a piece of my life. I'm sick of it."

"Relax," Cadence soothed. "I do have something that you might want. I can give you friends."

"I don't need friends." I could barely handle the ones I did have.

"I can give your friends more friends."

I opened my mouth to snub her once more, but Grace popped into my head. I closed my mouth.

Cadence nodded. "I don't mean to be cruel, but your little friend needs all the help she can get. She's not high on the totem pole. We can help her. We can teach her things that you and I both know you don't want to teach her."

"Teach her? You better not be talking about blow jobs."

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm talking about social skills. I'm talking about how to act at a party and how not to get walked on by everyone. You know how to do it, but you're not the one to help her develop those skills. We can do that for you. We already do it with the new pledges each year. We take the ones who have the most potential and mold them into our perfect sisters."

My eyes went flat. "Grace isn't one to be molded into any perfect housewife wannabe."

"She won't be. We'll develop her to her fullest potential. She'll still have the kind heart that you like about her. Trust me. Plus, things won't get sticky between your two besties and your one girl bestie. Word is that there's always been tension between your boys and any girl you befriend."

She was telling me this? I surveyed the sorority bitch one more time. She talked a good game and admitted her true intentions. I could've figured them out anyway, already had, but still…Grace would be helped out. "Fine. Grace becomes a sister and you get to party with Corrigan's house? That's the deal?"

"You have to be a sister too."

She had so much to learn. I snorted. "No way. You don't want me in your house.


She seemed wary now. "Why not?"

"Because if you piss me off, I'll come into your house. I will take your friends. I will take your house. And I will take the life that you wanted." I shook my head. "You don't want me to do that. Trust me."

She narrowed her eyes. "You don't have the ability to do that."

"I do, honey. I sleep with an international soccer star. My best friend already runs our campus and I know a few movie stars. How do you think I got their loyalty? Now, who do you know?"

Her lips went flat as her jaw clenched. "Fine, but you have to be at some of our activities."

"I'll go to a few of your parties." She looked to argue and I shrugged. "Or no deal. That's all you're getting from me."

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