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Dash (Silver Saints MC)

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He strode over, pressed under my chin to lift my head, and claimed my lips in a hard kiss. “Don’t worry, beautiful. Not gonna give you anything to complain about. Ever.”

As Dash turned and walked back over to the stove, I fanned myself with my hand. I wasn’t sure which packed more of a punch—his kisses or the perfect things he said to me.

About twenty minutes later, I decided to add his cooking to the list. The chicken quesadillas were so delicious that I’d cleaned my plate in no time at all. “I’m impressed.”

He winked at me, his hazel orbs filled with humor. “I have mad skills in more than just the bedroom.”

My cheeks heated again. With the things that came out of his mouth, I had a hunch I’d spend a lot of time blushing. Especially if he talked like that when other people were near, unlike now. “Is the clubhouse always this quiet? I don’t really know anything about motorcycle clubs except fictional ones on TV, but I expected there to be more people around.”

“Yeah, those shows are a bunch of bullshit.” He laughed and shook his head. “Not sure where everyone is since I’ve been otherwise occupied tonight. Place definitely isn’t as busy as it used to be before the guys started wifing up and growing their families, but it isn’t usually this empty.”

Leaning my elbow on the table, I propped my chin up with my palm. “Sounds like you guys are all pretty close.”

“Blood isn’t necessarily thicker than water.” He reached out and threaded his fingers through mine.

“Is that why you joined the Silver Saints? You were looking for something you didn’t get from your own family?” He seemed close with his nieces, but there could be issues with the rest of his family, and he was only close with his sister.

“Nah, my family is the shit. But I have some club brothers who were looking for a family when they decided to prospect.” He ran a finger down his leather vest. “One thing’s for damn sure. The ties that you choose can bind tighter than anything else.”

“I hope you’re right.” The ones I’d been born to hadn’t turned out great for me.

He must’ve known my mind was on my family because he asked, “Ready to tell me about the problem you’re havin’ with your sister’s man?”

My head reared back, my eyes going wide. “How do you know about that?”

“Mrs. Acker mentioned there was some kind of trouble with him,” he explained, a muscle jumping in his jaw. “You can be damn sure he’s going to regret whatever shit he’s pulled. I’ll make sure of it.”

Considering how we met, I had a feeling that his solution to the problem would be permanent. That would devastate my sister and leave my niece or nephew without a father, though. “Thad is a colossal jerk, but the situation will solve itself once I move out of their place and don’t need to be around him that often.”

Dash’s eyes narrowed as he considered my explanation. I thought for sure he was going to ask more questions, but then he nodded and murmured, “Problem solved then. You’ll stay here with me until I find a place that we both like.”

Holy crap, had he just told me that I was moving in with him?

Before I could ask, one of his club brothers came strolling in and made a beeline over to us. “Heard you’re looking for a house all of a sudden. How come?”

Dash tugged my chair closer, so our thighs touched from knee to hip. “It’s time now that I found my woman.”

He’d told me I was his before we’d had sex but hearing him claim me to one of his friends made it easier to believe that it wasn’t just something he’d said in the heat of the moment. Thank goodness because I’d only met Dash a few hours ago and was already in deep with him. Not to mention, we were apparently going to be living together. And considering he hadn’t worn protection…maybe even having a baby.



“Another whipped brother, huh?” Knight teased as he winked at Brynn.

Knight was baiting me, but I wasn’t going to let him hook me…mostly. I glared at him and pulled Brynn into my lap. “Yup,” I agreed, not the least bit ashamed.

There was an awkward silence until he finally rolled his eyes. “Hey,” he said, holding out his hand. “I’m Knight.”

“Brynn.” She started to move her arm, but I clamped mine around her, still staring daggers at him.

“You see the cut, brother? Hands off.”

Knight laughed and shook his head as he meandered toward the refrigerator. “You’d think I tried to touch your hog. Damn.”

“You touch my bike, I kick your ass; you touch my woman, I put you in the fucking ground,” I said in a deadly voice.

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