Tempting Dusty (The Temptation Saga 1)
“Well, your worries are over, darlin’.”
“If only that were true.”
“Yeah, if only. But at least your worries about money are over.”
“How so?”
“What do you mean, how so? You’ll come to Colorado and live on my ranch. I mean, our ranch.”
“Of course I’ll come with you. But I’m still half-owner of a bankrupt ranch, and I can’t leave Sam to fend for himself.”
“We’ll figure something out.” Zach played with Dusty’s hand, entwining their fingers together across the table. “You all can sell the ranch, and Sam can come work for me.”
“Maybe. But I think he’d rather have his own operation.”
“Then he can work for me until he saves up enough.”
A spark of hope bloomed in Dusty. “He might go for that.”
“Or I’ll loan him the money for his own ranch.”
“Would you really?”
“Hell I’d buy it for him, to tell you the truth, but I know he wouldn’t let me.”
Dusty smiled. “No, he wouldn’t, but it’s sweet of you to be willing.”
“Anything for you.”
“I think I’m going to be a big expense for you, Zach.”
“First of all, no, you’re not. My insurance will pay your medical bills. Second of all, even if you were, I can’t think of anything better to spend my money on.”
Dusty smiled as two tears fell.
“Come on now, darlin’, don’t start the waterworks again.”
“You’re so good to me, and I feel so awful for…”
“For what?”
“For leaving you. I…I was so scared to stay. I loved you so much, so much that I wanted better for you than a sick woman, an infertile woman.”
“Stop that right now.”
“Please, let me finish. I felt terrible, like the world’s biggest coward for trying to sneak away without telling you goodbye, but I was afraid if I went to you I wouldn’t be able to leave, and I was convinced leaving was the best thing I could do for you.”
“You were wrong.”
“I was wrong. I made a decision that wasn’t mine to make. It was yours. I should have told you the truth and let you decide. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, darlin’.”
She smiled. “But I couldn’t just up and leave. So I went to see Diablo. I thought if I said goodbye to him, I would be saying goodbye to you.”
“Please don’t say I look anything like that ugly cuss.”
“He’s a beautiful animal, but no, you don’t look anything like him. It was just me being silly.”