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Holding Onto Forever (Beaumont: Next Generation 1)

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“Here,” Harrison says, handing me a cup of coffee. “It’s from the corner coffee shop, not that nasty shit you and Quinn have been making everyone drink.”

I smile and thank him. “We didn’t want to leave the hospital.”

“I know. Me neither. But Ben’s here so I make him do all my errands.”

“When’s Elle going to come clean and tell everyone they’re dating?”

Harrison shrugs and motions for me to follow him. I glance into Peyton’s room, relieved to find she’s still sleeping. Katelyn is in there, reading to her, likely some sappy romance story about true love and second chances… a story about us more or less.

We sit down in the waiting room, where the television is on, but the sound is muted. I look quickly to see what’s on, hoping it’s ESPN, but it’s some home makeover show that is probably all the rage right now.

“I don’t think they’re dating.” Harrison takes a drink of his coffee and sighs. “Which is a shame because I really like the kid. And if they are, she’s hiding it really well.”

“From the outside, it looks obvious. I mean, he’s here, right? What friend would come spend time in the ICU of a hospital?”

“You,” Harrison points out. I want to respond with, “it’s because I love your daughter,” but I don’t.

“I think my relationship with Peyton is a bit beyond what Elle and Ben have going on. I’ve known Peyton since she was a baby.”

“True. So… what’s new?”

Nice change of subject, Harrison. “Not much. We won, but it won’t be enough for the playoffs.” I shrug. Harrison wasn’t really into my sports scene when I was growing up. Sure, he came to games, but I think most of that was because Elle was a cheerleader and Peyton was on the sidelines. I know things would be different if Mason were across from me. We’d probably talk sports to pass the time, but Harrison’s life is music.

“Your dad is really proud of you.”

“Thanks, his support means a lot.”

“I remember the day he came back from Beaumont. Hell, he didn’t even tell JD or I he was leaving, but he comes back with these songs and

I’m thinking ‘this bastard went and fell in love.’ It was days before I got it out of him, but man once your dad started talking he didn’t shut up. Not about you or your mom.”

“Is that why you came to Beaumont?”

Harrison finishes off his coffee and sets the paper cup down on the table. “Your dad invited Quinn and I to spend the holidays there. He thought that if you met Quinn, he could help you understand the lives we lead. What it’s like to have your picture taken all the time or to have people follow your every move.”

“You fell in love with Katelyn that day.”

“Best damn day of my life.”

“Mine too,” I mutter. Quinn is one of my best friends and I can’t imagine not knowing him. Even if Harrison and Katelyn weren’t together, I’d know Quinn, but I don’t know if we’d be as close as we are.

“What do you know about this Zimmerman kid?”

I shake my head and wonder if I should tell him about the conversation I had with Kyle or not. “Not much. I think he came into the league either a year before or after me. I don’t really remember. Why?”

Harrison runs his hands down his legs. The dude is wearing shorts and it’s freaking cold outside. Thinking back, I think the only time I’ve ever seen him in pants was for my parents’ wedding. Even for Quinn and the twins’ graduation, he wore shorts.

“Lawyer thinks we should sue him.”

“Mira said no charges would be pressed, right?” I must’ve watched the news conference over and over again after I found out about it. I was shocked to find out the police weren’t pursuing charges against Zimmerman, but they were against the other driver. Deeper research brought me to a few articles stating the driver was speeding.

“Yeah the police said he’s not at fault, but--”

“But Peyton suffered.”

“Exactly. So what about you? How are things with…? I’m sorry, I’ve spaced on her name.”

“Dessie,” I say, shaking my head. “We’re not together anymore. It’s pretty damn complicated,” I tell him before he can ask why.

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