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Home Run (The Boys of Summer 2)

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“We’ll come back through before we leave and get you another bag. They’re amazing when you add vanilla ice cream.”

I’ve never been much of a sweets eater until I discovered I was pregnant. I know it’s all mind over matter and I figure, if I’d never have any cravings, I never accepted that I was pregnant. But I did, and now everything with sugar is my best friend, and chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.

We continue to walk and munch on cookies, stopping at a few stores just outside the market. The cobblestone street isn’t helping my back pain, though, and as soon as we find smooth pavement, I’m rejoicing.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think it was just the road and walking unevenly.” I stretch and rub the sore spot in my back to try to get rid of some of the pressure.

Daisy gets us two passes for the Boston tour, making me happy that we’ll be seated for a bit on the trolley. As the tour starts, she points out different things that she finds interesting in addition to what the guide says. At various stops, we get off and walk through an old cemetery where revolutionaries are buried, buy nuts from the street vendor, and then tour the Old State House and the site of the Boston Massacre. By the time we’re done, I’m exhausted and ready for a nap.

“Are you ready for lunch?”

“Yes,” I all but beg. I want to sit longer than a few minutes and rest.

“I’m sorry. You’re probably tired. Pregnant women get tired easily, right?”

“I don’t know,” I tell her truthfully. “Honestly, this is all new to me. I feel like I’m just now pregnant even though I’m showing. I didn’t know until about a month ago, so I missed the first trimester because my mom was in the hospital and I was stressed out, but I’m sure you already know this.” I know Cooper had to tell his friends something; otherwise Daisy wouldn’t be here.

“Actually, I don’t. Cooper only told me that you’re pregnant, but I knew who you were already.”

Daisy tells the hostess that we have two, and we follow her to our seats.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ve known Cooper since April, when the guys came home. He stayed with us for a few days until he could get his apartment. He talked about you a lot.”

“Was he drunk?”

Daisy looks at me oddly, and I shrug. Most guys don’t open up about their feelings unless they’ve be

en drinking.

“No, he was just telling us how much he liked you and hated that you guys weren’t talking.”

“Oh…” I trail off, not knowing what to say. It was my fault we stopped talking. If I hadn’t pushed him away, I’d probably feel like my life made no sense right now.

The waitress brings our drinks, water for me, and iced tea for Daisy, and we place our orders. I choose a salad with a half sandwich while Daisy opts for the full salad.

“Can I ask you some questions about life as it pertains to baseball?”

“Sure, what’s up?” she says.

“How do you do it? Cooper and I aren’t even together, but I can’t help but feel like I’m sort of lingering. I’m not saying we’ll be together, but I’m concerned about what kind of life the baby is going to have.”

“I stay busy by working, which takes up any of my free time, but I’m also a fan of the game and have season tickets that belonged to my grandfather, so I sit behind the visitor dugout. I don’t miss any home games, rain or shine. And when Ethan’s away, it’s my chance to spend time with friends, go to the spa, and go shopping. On his days off, we’re together. It works for us, but I knew what to expect going in.”

“How long have you been married?”

“Oh, not long. We got married this past off-season.”

“And you don’t miss him?”

“I didn’t say that. I miss him all the time, but we talk every day when he’s gone and video chat at night. I’ll watch the game on TV too so I can see him. This is his career, and he had it long before I came along, so I’m not going to tell him he needs to make a change. Besides, seeing him in his uniform, it does things to me.” She winks, and I happen to agree with her. I remember seeing Cooper in the first game I went to and determined that baseball players are the hottest athletes in and out of their uniforms.

“What about the other women? The ones who constantly throw themselves at the guys?”

“I trust Ethan. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be with him.”

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