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Hawk (The Boys of Summer 4)

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I look over at my mom, she’s tired. “Are you feeling okay?” I don’t know why that’s the first thing I ask my mom. My parents work hard, my father harder than anyone I know, and I know they’re getting older, which scares me. I’ve suggested retirement but know my father would rather ride off into the sunset than stop working, and my mom will do whatever her husband suggests.

She smiles softly, picks up her mug and takes a sip of her coffee. After she sets it back down, she rests her hands on the table. “I’m feeling fine and so is your father. I just worry, sometimes.”

“About what?” I place my hand on top of hers. If they’re in financial trouble, I want to help.

“About my children. My grandchildren. The ranch. Your father.”

“What’s there to worry about?”

She doesn’t answer but gets up from her place at the table and walks around me to pick up a plate. She starts loading it with food and finally sets it down in front of me. “Eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“I don’t care, Hawk. You didn’t eat yesterday, minus whatever fast food place you stopped at on your way to therapy, not to mention the pizza you had last night with your nephew, which you can’t survive off despite what you may think.”

“Hey, I’ve spent a great many years eating pizza. Look at me, I’m fit.” I use my left hand to tap my abs, which I’m afraid to admit could use some work.

Her coffee cup is back in her hand and she eyes me before taking another drink. “According to Elizabeth, Nolan declared yesterday to be the best day of his life.”

“That’s a little sad considering we didn’t do much other than toss the ball around and go out to dinner. Really, Ma. They have to let him be a boy before time passes him by.”

“I’ve said as much to your sister. I should warn you though, she fully intends to ask you what you’re doing with Bellamy Patrick.”

My eyebrow raises and I ask my mom, “Why? Is there something wrong with Bellamy?”

She chuckles. “Not that I’m aware of. According to Elizabeth, Nolan talked non-stop about the four of you having dinner and your sister being your sister is probably reading into things.”

“Probably, is an understatement.” I dig into my food and take a few bites before putting my fork down. “I met her yesterday and ran into her again at dinner. Not much more to tell.” I can’t look my mom in the eyes when I say there isn’t more to tell because tonight, I have dinner plans with Bellamy and I’m very much looking forward to seeing her.

I eat rather fast so I can get outside and away from the heavy gaze of my mother. She’s watching me, waiting for me to spill my guts, and I will — just not right now. I wash and stack my plate, kiss her on the cheek and tell her that I’ll be around but not home for dinner.

“Tell Bellamy I said ‘hi’,” she says as I step outside. I turn to find my mother smiling. She gives me a little finger wave and starts to giggle. In the barn, a couple of the ranch hands are busy working, mucking out the stalls.

“Morning, Mr. Sinclair.”

“Morning, guys. I’m going to take Cadbury out for a bit.”

One of them drops his shovel and walks over to her stall and is kind enough to saddle her up for me. I did it yesterday, but it was hard with one hand, even if I did cheat a little bit. I know I need to let my shoulder rest, but it’s against my nature to be idle.

“Have a good ride, sir.”

“Thanks,” I say as I mount the mare. One little tap of my heels into her sides and we’re trotting our way out of the barn. She neighs as we walk past one of the stallions, causing me to laugh. “Cadbury, are you flirting?” I give her a good pat and direct her to where I want her to go.

I’m about to push Cadbury into a full gallop when Warner calls my name. He trots up next to me, “Where ya headed?”

“Nowhere in particular. Do you need something?” Not that I can do much for him and if he only wants to complain about his son, I don’t want to listen.

“I’ll ride with you.”


We start off in silence, which I’m fine with. Warner may have been around a lot when I was growing up, but we were never friends. I always saw him as the clinger who chased after my sister. He’s good to Elizabeth though, so I can’t complain too much about him.

“Nolan had a great time yesterday.”

“Good, I’m glad.” I wait for him to add something sarcastic.

“I’d let him play—”

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