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12 Days of Forever (Beaumont 4.50)

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“Who’s Xander?” I ask, as I stand and carry my dishes over to the sink.

“Only the hottest single guy in town.”

“Hey,” Harrison says as he looks at both of us. “I’m hot and single.”

Katelyn and I both start to laugh, and he quickly joins in.

“I know, it was just something funny to say.” Harrison says as he kisses Katelyn before taking the few steps to me. He pulls me into his arms and holds me. “You can stay here as long as it takes for you to see your movie play out.” He kisses me of the top of my head and walks out of the room.

“I think you’ll like Xander. He’s extremely hot.”

I smile. “Aren’t you madly in love with my brother?”

Katelyn shrugs, but never stops smiling. “Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a fine looking man and neither will you.”

The gym is bustling with patrons when I walk in at eight. The music is loud, but not uncomfortably so. We open at five-thirty to give those who travel out of Beaumont a chance to get in a workout before leaving for work. The clank of the weights coupled with the whir of the treadmills being run on is music to my ears. I look around and feel a bit nostalgic. I hate thinking that if it weren’t for JD getting shot, Liam would’ve never have put the word out that he was looking for someone to help JD get back on track. I’m just the lucky bastard that happened to be in the right place at the right time and in the right frame of mind when I found out about the opportunity. I needed a change in my life and Liam, unbeknownst to him, opened up a whole realm of possibilities for me.

I shake the mouse to bring the computer alive. My schedule is flexible today, allowing me time to hit the floor for a workout in the hope of gaining more clients. Most people are interested in personal training, but too gun-shy to actually ask about it. They think it’s too expensive, and it can be, but I strive to keep my fees comparable to the bigger city gyms. I’d rather keep my locals happy and in my gym then to lose them to the conglomerate chains that keep popping up. Sure they have newer equipment, but I offer individualized training and three of my staff members are working on getting their degrees in personal training.

My first client of the day is Katelyn, and the computer is showing a plus one next to her name. I rack my brain trying to remember if she said she was bringing in someone, but I can’t recall anything.


, Becky, can you tell me why Katelyn James has a plus one next to her name?” Becky was my first hire and manages the gym for me. She’s in charge of setting up appointments, memberships, most of the hiring and firing and is my all-around right-hand person.

“I’m not sure. She called this morning and said she’s bringing someone with her and asked if that was a problem. I didn’t think it would be.”

“No, no, it’s okay just curious.” Before I can put anymore thought into who’d be with her, the door opens and in she walks, followed by Harrison’s sister. I know it’s her because she’s a smaller version of him, just much prettier, although the photos I’ve seen of her didn’t do her any justice. I can’t take my eyes off of her, and I follow her every step until she’s disappeared behind the door to the locker-room. The fact that I’m staring like a crazed stalker bothers me. I’ve seen beautiful women before, and even without knowing her, I’m certain she’ll end up being like family.

As soon as the girls come out of the locker room changed and ready to go, they pull down yoga mats and start their warm-up. Each of my clients has instructions for their one-hour sessions. They stretch and warm-up for fifteen minutes, I work them out for thirty, and they end with a fifteen minute cool down.

I try to busy myself with any menial task I can find while I wait for them to finish, but I find myself watching Harrison’s sister. She’s more flexible than any of my clients. Her body is toned and the workout outfit she’s wearing is definitely going to catch some attention from the men in the gym. This woman is in shape and takes care of her body. I have a feeling that a few of the women that come in will be jealous. Hell, I am. I’d love to have one of my clients achieve what I’m seeing now.

I push off the counter and make my way over to them. Katelyn smiles as soon as she sees me, and Harrison’s sister straightens. She’s about average height, not as tall as Harrison. But the word toned doesn’t do her justice. This woman is muscular and defined. This woman is a serious athlete, and I’m racking my brain trying to remember if Harrison ever said what she does for a living.

“Xander, this is Yvie, Harrison’s sister. Yvie, this is Xander. He’s owns the gym and is Jimmy’s trainer.”

“Well, I train all of you, don’t I?” I wink at Katelyn and offer my hand to Yvie. When our hands meet, I hope for that spark, that electricity that everyone talks about when they meet someone they’re attracted to, but it’s not there. And I want it to be. I’ve seen a lot of women in my life, but none more beautiful than her. I don’t know if it’s the way her dark hair contrasts with her emerald eyes or the fact that I can picture her standing next to me at parties and in my kitchen as we make dinner together. I haven’t felt the need to get to know a woman just by standing next to her. Her small hand is dwarfed by my much larger one, and I’m shocked to feel just how dainty she is. “It’s nice to meet you,” I say, as I pull my hand away from hers. I feel as if we lingered in our handshake maybe a little longer than necessary. None of it should mean anything, except that I feel like it does. Do I need a shock or that electrical current? Can’t I just know? “So, Yvie, what would you like to work on?”

She immediately looks down without making eye contact, which tells me that she has low self-esteem, and for the life of me I can’t understand why. Yvie mumbles her answer without looking at me.

“I’m sorry, the music is too loud; could you please say it again?”

Yvie looks at Katelyn and sighs. Her eyes barely reach mine when she speaks. “My ass is too big.”

I do what any self-respecting personal trainer would do: I lean to the side and take a good hard look at her much-too-big ass that doesn’t freaking exist.

“Excuse me, and I don’t mean to be rude, but your ass is fine.” I want to smile, but I also don’t want to come off as creepy.

Her head shakes slowly. “My producer says it’s too big.”

“Katelyn, go ahead and get started on your ab routine. I want to talk to Yvie for a few more minutes.” I never leave my clients to start their routines without me, but I’m a little confused over Yvie’s confession and need to know where she’s at if I’m going to offer assistance. Hell, I may be jumping the gun here, but Katelyn brought her in as a plus one so that leads me to believe she wants help. I just don’t know how or where I can help her. I signal for Yvie to follow me so Katelyn can get started.

“What do you do for work?” I ask, as I lean against the window. Yvie stands off to the side with her arms crossed over her chest. She doesn’t carry that defiant look, as if she’s in trouble. She’s comes off as if she’s protecting herself from something or someone. I study her more, taking in her high cheekbones and her plump lips. I never looked at her photos in true depth before and now I’m kicking myself.

“I’m a dancer, ballet mostly.” My guess was athlete, but I noticed something different by the way she walked. I thought it was just me looking for something to sway me from finding her beautiful, but no. She has a reason to walk the way she does, to prance. It’s engrained into her system to always be poised.

“That explains your flexibility, but why are you concerned with your….” minutes ago I had no issue saying “ass” but in this moment I’m at a loss for the most appropriate word. I don’t want to come off as crass, but then again she does hang out with rockers from time to time.

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