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Lost in You (Lost in You 1)

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“I know this sucks –”

“You’re going out on tour with your ex-boyfriend and not just any ex, but one you’ve lived with and clearly had sex with and you’re going to be spending every waking minute with him. I’m sorry if the visions going through my mind aren’t what you think they should be.”

“Ryan –”

“Is Alex going?”

“No.” She says this so quietly I almost don’t hear her. So no Alex to keep Hadley occupied or to intercede. Perfect.

I rub my hand over my face. I never knew what jealousy was until now. Everything in me is screaming that this is not good. Nothing good is going to come from this.

“Hadley, I know it’s your job. I get it. I’m just… I don’t know what I am.” I lie. I’m jealous and hurt. Her manager did this. She was supposed to be off. We’re supposed to be able to spend winter vacation together. I’ll be eighteen. We had plans.

“I’ll be there for your birthday.”

“Yep. I gotta go. I have to work.” I hang up. For the first time since we’ve started dating I’ve ended the conversation first and throw my phone onto the bed. It rings instantly, but I ignore her call. I don’t have anything to say.

She calls back, I hit ignore and get ready for work. I can hear the phone vibrate against my bed, but I don’t look. I can’t. I don’t want to look at her smiling face on my screen knowing that I’m losing her.

Did I really even have her?

Probably not.

She’s Hadley Carter – mega superstar – and I’m Ryan Stone – nobody.



He hung up on me.

He isn’t answering my calls. I never thought things would be like this and all because of Ian and his need for power. I need to tell him no. Tell him that this tour isn’t going to be anything but a problem for me and that I won’t do it. I don’t need to. So what if some stupid article said I was in rehab. If my fans really want to believe that, then so be it. Ryan is more important to me.

I should’ve known Ian was up to something when he demanded that I stay in Los Angeles and not return to New York when Alex left. We’re too close and he doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like that I listen to her and ask for her input on projects. I know he doesn’t like it when Alex speaks her mind; she challenges him and to him that’s disrespectful.

I try Ryan one more time, hoping that he’ll answer. The phone rings and rings and by the fifth ring I know he’s not going to pick up. Why should he? I just told him that I’ll be spending the next six weeks with my ex-boyfriend. Ryan’s smart enough to know that’s night and day in this industry. There are daily rehearsals, interviews and travel. He’s going to drive himself crazy with worry. I can’t really blame him. I’d be worried too if he told me he was going on a trip with Dylan. I may have told him homecoming was a good idea, but I only did so he wouldn’t lose his best friend. I’m a woman in love, I want him on my arm, not my competition's and whether Ryan sees that or not, she wants him and I probably just delivered him to her on a silver platter.

I put away my phone. He has nothing to say. In all likelihood I’m going to miss his birthday and there isn’t anything I can do about it. That was to be the night that I don’t tell him no. The night when I give in to all my urges and finally be with him the way I’ve been dreaming about. I know Ryan wants to move things along and now he’s worried about Cole. He didn’t have to say the words, but his reference to sex was enough to convey that he thinks there could be something more. I can’t blame him. I can’t. He has every right to feel jilted.

I pull out my phone and try him again. Same result. I try Alex. She’ll know what to do. I can’t believe I didn’t think about calling her right away. She would’ve been able to tell me how to handle Ryan.

“What’s up, Buttercup?”

“I’m in trouble.”

“Why, did you and Ryan tango and his parents find out?”

“No, worse.” At least it is in my book.

“Worse? Details and hurry, because the suspense is already killing me.”

“You’re so dramatic. Anyway, Ian is sending me back on tour and Coleman is going with me.”


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