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Lost in You (Lost in You 1)

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All I know is that Ryan is who I need. He’s the air that I breathe in order to live. He’s different and makes me different, too. The love that I feel for him is nothing like what I felt for Cole. I ache when I’m not with Ryan. I’ve been a fool to think that being apart would be okay.

I look at my phone, willing it to ring, giving me any sign that he’s on his way. For all I know, I’m too late. He could be tired of me already and I wouldn’t blame him if he were. I’m not sure I’d be able to let him go though. I’m in too deep.

I decide to wait on the bench by the tree… our tree. That seems silly, saying it’s our tree, but it’s where our first ever paparazzi picture was taken. Probably not something most people want to keep, but it meant something to me. I want Ryan in my life and he'll need to get used to those fleabags hanging around.

“You shouldn’t sit out in the dark by yourself.” I turn and find Ryan leaning up against the tree, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He’s wearing a hoodie, his beautiful brunette hair hidden underneath the hood. I want to run and jump into his arms, but he doesn’t look like he wants that and it breaks my heart.

“I wasn’t out here long.”

Ryan adjusts, leaning his back against the tree. It looks like we're keeping our space.

“Why me, Hadley?"



I almost didn’t leave the house to meet her, but now that I’m standing here, looking at her, this is where I need to be. I’m not sure how this moment will end, either I’m walking away because I can’t take the way I feel about her being on tour with her ex, or she’ll show me that all my worries are for nothing. She could leave me. It’s an option that I refuse to consider. She could be tired of my immature crap and be here to tell me that she’s done. But why would she fly all this way when she could just text me. Keep it simple, with no emotions.

I ask her the same question I asked before. This time I’ll be able to see her beautiful face when she tells me why she chose me. The logic behind us doesn’t make sense. I come from nothing. Destined to be nothing and yet she pursues me and tells me I can be anything I want. She forgets that my chances of getting out of Brookfield are limited and that she’s had opportunities people like me only dream about. Her parents have supported her from day one. Mine just expect me to brown-bag it to the mill once graduation comes. High hopes, my parents have.

I’m fighting the urge to sit next to her. I know that once I do, I’m done for. She can say anything and I’ll believe her. Call it desperation or being whipped, I don’t care. I’m in love with her and being away from her physically hurts.

I straighten when she stands. I’ve never seen her out of a dress. She’s always been made up and flawless, until now. She’s in yoga pants, tennis shoes and a zip up. Her hair is pulled back and she looks tired. I realize that I don’t care that she’s not in a dress. She’s perfect just the way she is. Seeing her like this, it makes me think she’s giving a part of herself to me that’s usually reserved for behind closed doors. Even when we spent the one night together in her hotel room, she was the Hadley Carter everyone knows and loves.

But standing in front of me now is my Hadley.

She doesn’t step any closer, keeping the gaping distance between us. Three large steps and I can have her in my arms. I move my hands from my pockets and place them between my back and the tree. I need to keep a level head and touching her will just cloud my mind.

I can see now why guys don’t like to date. It’s complicated and messy, but it has to be worth it in the end, at least that’s what I’m hoping.

“You asked this yesterday and I told you, but maybe that wasn’t enough, or maybe it’s something I shouldn’t say over the phone.” She’s closer now. I can see her tears trailing down her face and it makes me want to reach out and wipe them away. She looks up to the sky and smiles. She pulls the rubber band out of her hair and shakes her head. It’s raining and she’s basking in it.

“You’ll catch a cold,” I say as if I’m her parent.

“I don’t care.”

“You won’t be able to sing.”

“Good,” she says as she looks at me.

I push my hood off as well, matching her. I step out from under the heavy cover of the tree and stand in front of her. Raindrops bounce off her eyelashes, making her look even more beautiful.

“I’m in love with you, Ryan. What I feel for you, it’s different from anything I’ve ever felt before. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you in my life. Whether we were just going to be friends or more, it didn’t matter because not knowing you wasn’t an option for me. That night after my show, you were sitting in the corner and all it took was one look and I felt this flood of heat and desire go through me, like I was on fire.

“You ask why you, but I’m saying why not you. You have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I could spend hours looking at them. I love how your cheeks turn just the right shade of pink when I touch you. I love the way your hands make me feel, even when it’s something as simple as holding my hand. I don’t care that you live in a rundown house or don’t drive a fancy car. None of that matters as long as I have you. You’re the one I want to be with. I don’t care about your clothes, your money, or some fancy house. I’d gladly give all that up just for you.

“This past week has been torture for me, not being able to talk to you and when we do talk things are strained. I found out a lot of things this week, things that apparently I did and didn’t do. This is why Ian is being the way he is. I’m trying to figure things out, but I need for you to be patient and help me. I need to know that at the end of my shitty day, my boyfriend is on the other end of the phone listening to me vent and cry. I need you to love me for me and not who I am on the stage or in the papers. That person that you saw yesterday, that’s not the me you know. This me, the one standing in front of you, she doesn’t like Coleman Hollister and wouldn’t be caught dead with him. This me is dying inside thinking that her boyfriend doesn’t want her anymore. This me is so in love with Ryan Stone that nothing else matters.

“Now tell me, Ryan, why not you?”

I wasn’t expecting an answer like that. I guess I didn’t know what to expect. She looks at me, waiting for an answer. I shrug and step closer to her. “I’m plain and ordinary, Hadley. All I can offer you is me and I think that sometimes that’s not enough, especially when I see you in the arms of that guy. You bring out these crazy emotions that I don’t know anything about. I don’t know how to control them or make them stop. I’m never going to be the type that can support someone like you. This place, it’s not good enough for you and this is where I’m destined to be. My family expects me to wake up the day after graduation, put on some coveralls and go to the mill. You give me hope. You put these ideas into my head that I can get away from here and do something else, but what? I can’t go to college and the only thing I can do is flip burgers. Are you going to bring me home to your parents and say, ‘here’s my boyfriend, the burger flipper’?”

“My parents won’t care as long as you make me happy. They live in the same house I grew up in. It’s a small three-bedroom home. My mom is a teacher and my dad is a banker, who takes the train to work, works long hours and falls asleep in his recliner at the end of the night. Anything you offer me is better than what I have now.”

Hadley steps forward and into my arms. I hold her tight against my chest, burying my face into her neck. She’s wet, cold and shivering, but I am too. We aren’t too smart being out in the rain like this.

“I didn’t like seeing those pictures,” I mumble against her skin. “It made me feel… I don’t know, like I needed to hit something and I’ve never felt like that before. I didn’t like that.”

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