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Beautiful Mistakes

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"Friday and Saturday from 6 am to about 6:30 pm? And on Sunday could you come at 6:30 instead of 9?"

Her eyes widened a bit. "Oh, wow. And still work my regular hours during the week?"

"Is that unreasonable?" he asked. "I know that would push you up to around 53 hours that week and I know it's a lot to ask…"

"Well… no. I mean, if you wanted me to… I could do that," she replied, considering for a moment the $530 pay she would make that week. It seemed like way too much money to make in a single check—certainly more than she’d ever made in a single week before.

"I would really appreciate it," he told her. "See, Emma is going to New York for the weekend, and I've got this project at work. Those are going to be my hours, so… I basically need you to completely step in. I know you've only been working with her for a month, but Anna really likes you. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think you'd be comfortable with each other. If it's too much to ask, let me know, I'll try to make other arrangements."

"No, that's fine, I'm just… anticipating getting up that early," she said with a smile.

"If you want, you could stay here for the weekend. We do have an extra room. I mean, if you think it would be easier."

Although she knew some nannies lived in all the time, the proposition still surprised her. "Oh, I’d hate to impose. It'll be okay, I'll just get up early."

"Okay. Well, if you change your mind, the offer stands. It might be easier."

Julie smiled. "And it is appreciated. However, I have a research paper to work on, so if that's all for today…?"

"Oh yeah, you can go home now," he said, offering a smile. "Thank you so much, you’re a rock star."

She flashed him a grin, then she turned to Anna. "Bye, Anna," Julie said, bending down and giving Anna a kiss on the forehead.

"Nana," the baby replied, reaching up and catching a fistful of Julie's hair and flashing her a big baby grin.

"Oh, I see," Julie replied. "You're not going to let me leave, are you?"

Anna merely smiled, still holding Julie’s hair hostage in her tiny fist.

Julie smiled innocently and said, "But what if I did… this?" Then she dramatically scooped Anna up, eliciting a giggle out of her and she accidentally let Julie's hair go.

Julie put Anna back down on the ground and quickly straightened. "Bye, Anna," she said, waving.

Pulling herself up on her father's leg, Anna replied by waving at Julie, then looking up at her dad and pointing at her as if to tell him she was leaving.

Flashing one last smile, Julie called a goodbye to Matt as well, then she began her journey home.


Julie was a little stressed that following week. She only had about a month of classes left, so she knew it was important to do as well as she could on the remainder of her coursework, especially if she wanted to make the Dean's List.

Since she wasn’t even getting home until around 8 pm on Monday and Tuesday, it wasn't leaving her much time to study before Jack got home.

They both had Wednesdays off, so he expected to spend Wednesdays with her, but she needed to take advantage of her day off to study her butt off for her sociology test the next day.

Needless to say, Jack wasn't pleased when she explained her tight schedule to him.

"But think of how much money I'm going to make this week," she pointed out optimistically.

"I'm never going to see you," he complained, refusing to look at the silver lining.

"It’s only one week. We can go out to dinner on Wednesday," she suggested.

"Wow, I get a whole hour of your time?" he responded a touch sarcastically.

"Maybe even an hour and a half," she joked.

He didn't appear to see the humor in the situation, as he just continued to sulk.

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