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Beautiful Mistakes

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"No," he said, closing his eyes. "I'm drunk, I am much too likely to come onto you."

"And I am okay with that risk," she stated.

"I am not," he told her.

Pursing her lips, she thought it was incredibly unfair that the night he looked his sexiest was the night he was going to refuse to give her some cuddle time. "Well, if I cuddle with you and you don't cuddle back; will you get mad at me for crowding your space?"

Sighing, his eyes opened and he said, "Do you ever listen? I hope you have a daughter and I hope she is just like you."

"Well, I hope she doesn't come out wanting to cuddle with a sexy man, but I would wager a guess that someday after puberty she will have such a desire," Julie reasoned. "You never answered my question."

"I am a man, Julie. I am not going to fight you off if you touch me, but I am advising you not to."

Smiling, she ignored his advice and draped her arm over his chest, snuggling up next to him and resting her face on his chest.

He sighed reluctantly and wrapped an arm around her, letting her snuggle into his side.

"Now will you go to sleep?" he asked.

"Sure," she agreed. "Now see, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"You are a child," he stated.

Grinning, she said, "I am a woman, and women like to be cuddled with."

"By their boyfriend, yes, not by their baby daddy's brother."

Shrugging a little, she said, "What can I say, I'm a unique woman."

He shook his head at her, yawning and saying, "Go to bed, unique woman. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"True enough," she said, closing her eyes. "Thank you," she added.


sp; "For what?" he murmured.

With a little smile, she said, "Not disappointing me."

"My pleasure. Now go to sleep."

Still smiling, she kept her eyes closed and stayed curled up close to Aaron, and before long, she was drifting off to sleep, trying not to think too much of the day they had ahead of them.

Chapter Twenty One-

The following day was the much-anticipated wedding.

Julie was no longer looking forward to it, and by all appearances Aaron was even less excited about it than he had been. When he woke up he hadn't been hung over, which was good, but he seemed reluctant to begin drinking again. However, he was also reluctant to go to the wedding completely clear-headed.

She didn't know why he was so cautious, but she didn't spend a lot of time thinking about it as she had her own problems to worry about. When she got to the wedding, Matt was going to be there. She could not imagine any part of that was going to be comfortable.

Since Emma was also bound to be there, even though any attempt to measure up to her beauty was an absolute waste of time, Julie felt femininely compelled to at least do her best.

The dress Julie bought was black with white polka dots, a modestly sexy halter neck, and a girly flair at the bottom. She figured since she wasn't pregnant enough to show, she should take advantage of not looking like a blimp while she still could.

Aaron emerged from the bathroom in a sleek black suit with a snowy white dress shirt underneath. He looked gorgeous, and Julie was glad, because that was just going to make Shannon—and maybe even Matt—that much more jealous. Julie had seen Matt in a suit before, and while he did look very nice, he didn't look like he should be standing in front of one of those really big fans as they shoot the cover of GQ.

Maybe it was because she never saw Aaron in suits, she decided.

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