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Beautiful Mistakes

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Nodding, Julie silently agreed. Then, after a very brief pause, she asked, "Would you rather Poppy Seed be a girl or a boy?"

"Twins. One of each."

Her eyes widened and she said, "That is so far from funny that I'm just going to pretend you didn't say it."

Smiling, he said lightly, "Come on, this is my only shot. As much as I would like to have another one someday, I am not willing to whore you out in a couple years to try to get you pregnant again."

Julie meant to have a snappy comeback, but her mind was reeling a little as it processed the fact that Aaron had just referred to them still being together in "a couple years."

He didn't seem to catch it, as he made no hasty afterthought concerning it or anything else. He just sighed and leaned back on the couch, kicking his shoes off.

Julie smiled a little and turned her face into his shoulder, deciding not to freak out or make too much of it. He probably meant it in a non-committal way, just a little harmless bantering like they had been doing since Julie needed to break down the jealous barrier he had up when she got off the phone with Matt.

Besides, even if she was wrong… still being with Aaron in "a couple years" didn't sound so bad to her.

Chapter Twenty Three-

As with most good things, winter break had to end sometime.

Unfortunately for Julie, it was that time already.

As far as her date with Aaron, she had learned that apparently her chances of going on the date were as good as her chances of getting a pet unicorn. For someone so interested in her, he was extremely elusive.

With the post-wedding vacation over, he was spending as much time between his two restaurants as he had before he and Julie had made nice—the only difference was that Julie knew why he was gone all the time.

It still sucked, but at least she knew why.

On the positive side, with school back in session she would have something to keep her busy while she sat at home by herself after work.

The Sunday before she returned to school she was working at the café—since her days as a face-painting pirate were no more—and a delivery man came in with a bouquet of pink roses and baby's breaths. Julie was consumed with dread even before the man approached her. She quickly accepted the flowers so as not to look suspicious to the curious co-workers, and she even worked in a smile.

"Pretty," Debbie told her.

With a big smile, Julie lied smoothly. "Yes, they're from my mother. A congratulations on the baby. She's so sweet."

Aaron just walked in the back, because he knew as well as Julie did who they were from.

However, she was glad that he did walk away, because then he didn't see the jewelry box that was attached to the bouquet's ribbon. Julie stole a glance inside just to see what it was, and found a beautiful diamond and sapphire necklace in a bed of velvet, all pretty and shimmering.

Quickly pocketing the box, she tossed the card in the garbage, then she took the flowers back to the office, unable to toss them out since she had claimed they were from her mother.

Aaron was sitting in the chair looking sullen and Julie took a seat on his lap, carelessly tossing the bouquet on the desk.

"You know he's only doing this to get to you," Julie stated.

"Well, it works."

Taking his face in her hands and kissing him soundly, she leaned her forehead against his and said, "Don't let it. I couldn’t care less about flowers, Aaron. You know that."

"I just… wish he would stop sending them."

"And eventually he will," Julie stated. "Right now… he just… he's still trying to play a game that he doesn't seem to understand he’s already lost. Now come on, don't let this ruin your day."

Aaron had met her halfway, attempting not to let his brother get the best of him and returning to normal before too long.


The following day was her first day back to school, and after class she stopped by the pawn shop and hawked her pretty diamond and sapphire necklace for $235. She was certain that the necklace was probably worth more, but as it was she had to haggle that last 35 bucks out of him, and she just wanted to be rid of the thing.

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