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Because of You (Because of You 1)

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I would have loved to tell him no, but as I was bucking and writhing against him, I thought it might not be very convincing.

"Answer me," he said, pounding into me even harder.

I threw my head back again, moaning at the amazing feeling. "No," I growled, still defiant.

He was fucking me so hard that the entire bed was moving, and I was sure I might die if he stopped.

"No?" he questioned, slowing his thrusts.

I frowned a little, wrapping my legs around him and lifting my pelvis closer to him. But he was stronger, and he pulled back.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I knew what he was doing, and it was frustrating me. "Derek," I whined, trying to urge him to resume his thrusts. How he was exhibiting such self-control was beyond me, because I was going out of my mind and he made it seem so easy to slow down.

Then he stopped, withdrawing completely, and I groaned in protest.

"I'll just have to try harder," he said, confusing me as he looked like he was moving away from me. I was just about to object when he grabbed my legs, pulling them open wider and he bent his head between my legs.

I cried out his name as I felt his tongue move up inside of me. Then he urged the lips apart and his tongue moved up, connecting with my most sensitive spot. I gasped as his tongue flicked at it. It felt so good, but I wanted more. Compared to the much larger organ he had been pounding inside of me only moments before, I felt like he was just teasing me with his tongue.

And he was.

I tangled my hands in his hair, tugging as hard as I pleased, but he didn't stop. Apparently hair-pulling didn't bother him anymore than it bothered me, which pleased me.

I felt his mouth pull away from me, and I did murmur, "Don't stop."

He positioned himself back between my legs, but instead of pushing inside of me, he waited at the entrance, butting against me, teasing me, but not doing anything more.

I was so frustrated that I would have probably begged him to be inside of me again if that was what it took, but he just leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Nikki, are you sure you don't want me to fuck you?"

"Yes. No!" I said quickly, trying to form the proper response.

"Which is it?" he asked, moving less than an inch inside of me.

"Yes, I do," I finally said, hating that he made me say it.

"You do... what?"

I glared up at him, my labored breathing not really helping my case.

"Say it, Nikki," he said, looking at me intensely with those beautiful blue eyes of his.

I growled in frustration, but then, swallowing my pride, I said, "I want you to fuck me."

"Good girl," he groaned, thrusting hard inside of me.

"Fuck you," I gasped, arching my back.

I saw that this surprised him, and one blonde eyebrow shot up, but I saw no reason to hold back then, so I dug my nails into his back again and bucked against him.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair again and tugged so hard that it jerked my head back, but that only intensified the pressure building inside of me, making my entire body feel like it was going to explode. I was so caught up in the moment, nearly out of my mind with need, that when I finally felt myself getting close, my breaths coming out in pants, I could barely make out what he was saying when, as he took me harder and faster than he had before, he whispered, "I'm going to drive you this crazy every single time, Nikki."

But he sent me soaring over the edge as he said my name, and all I could do was cry out my release, tightening my legs around him as the most earth shattering feeling flooded my entire body. I felt him pump into me one last time, then he groaned and took his own release before finally falling down limp beside me on the bed.

As my body began to recover, I rolled over to wrap my arms around him, snuggling my face into his chest.

I was only there for about three seconds, however, when he gently but firmly moved me off of him. I didn't know what he was doing, but I realized that he appeared to be getting off the bed, picking his boxers up and pulling them back on.

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