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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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And she’s got me, I’m trapped. I did wrap my heart up, but I didn’t have to give it to him yesterday. It’s been his for years. “I love him.” I start to cry. “I love him something fierce. Please don’t tell anyone. I promised Brady I wouldn’t say anything, even to you. He wants to be the one to tell your parents because he thinks they’re going to flip out.”

She hugs me, and I hug her back. Then she looks at me and wipes away a stray tear. “They are going to flip out.”

I pull away and throw my hands up. “Why? What’s wrong with us as a couple?”

“My parents know how Brady is with girls. He’s almost twenty-five years old, and the only serious relationship he’s ever had he screwed up big time. He comes home with tattoos, and I think he’s dropped out of school.” She pauses, looking worried. She summons a smile and continues, “I’m sure they’ll worry that if things don’t work out with the two of you, they’ll lose their favorite daughter.”

I do have a great relationship with her parents, but I’m more concerned about how this will affect our friendship. “How do you feel about it?”

Liv darts her eyes to the floor and then back up. “I’m not sure. It’s obviously been a long time coming. Please don’t take this the wrong way, okay? Brady is still nursing a broken heart, and I’m a little worried about…well…about.”

I interrupt her before I have to hear her say it. “I’m not a rebound, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

Liv treads cautiously. “How can you be so sure?” I understand her worry. She doesn’t want to lose her best friend.

“Let’s talk.” I loop my arm through hers and walk her to the kitchen table. We both sit, and she flashes me a doleful smile.

It takes over an hour to fill Liv in on everything that’s happened between me and Brady. I leave out the Center because I’ve already broken his trust once. I tell her everything he said to me about Vanessa and his feelings for her. How it was Vanessa who encouraged Brady to come home and tell me everything. I skip over most of the “best sex of my life” talk because when I start it, she squishes her face up and pretends to stick her finger down her throat.

When I’m finished, I pat her on the knee and tell her, “See, you have nothing to worry about.”

Her mouth is hanging open, and she looks blown away. Wow! Liv, speechless…I never thought I’d see this day.

Poking her in the arm, I say, “Please say something, because you’re starting to freak me out.”

Her expression still confused, she finally speaks. “Sorry. I’ve known for a while he wanted to sleep with you, but I never had a clue he was in love with you. I’m kind of in shock right now, honestly.”

As I tell her I’m shocked myself, the doorbell rings. My stomach knots up, knowing it’s Harrison at the door. Liv goes to answer it, and I’m relieved when she enters the kitchen with Tyler. She is positively glowing when she introduces us. The correct word is “smitten,” and I’ve seen plenty of guys smitten over Liv. What I’ve never seen is Liv so lovesick. She has been completely swept off her feet by this baby-faced guy in her kitchen.

Tyler drapes his arm around Liv and kisses her on the side of her head. “It’s nice to meet you, Tori. Liv’s told me a lot about you.”

“It was all Liv’s fault. All of it,” I say, pointing at Liv. We all laugh, and Tyler places another kiss on her cheek. I love seeing Liv so happy.

My relief is short-lived as the doorbell sounds once again. My eyes dart to Liv, begging her to answer it because I’m a big coward.

“If we’re ready, why don’t we just head out?” Liv relieves me of my worry as only a true best friend can. She winks at me, and picks up her purse and keys from the counter.

I say hello to Harrison when we open the door and do my best to avoid his kiss. He ends up planting one on my cheek. It’s immature, but when he looks away, I wipe it off with my hand.

Liv rescues me again when she informs the guys that the girls will be riding in the front seat. She winks at me again, and I remind myself to do something nice for my best friend. Excessively, over-the-top nice.

The car ride isn’t as uncomfortable as it could have been. With the boys in the back talking sports, Liv and I talk about our working at the Bean. We both adore Ted, even though I’d thought he was a complete whack job when we first met him.

Chapter 22


There are at least a hundred people on the beach when we arrive. Harrison takes my hand to help me out of the car, and I quickly pull it away. We all walk toward the crowd of people, but Liv and Tyler veer off when Tyler spots one of his friends.

Harrison stops abruptly and grabs my hand. Hesitantly, I turn around to face him.

“Are you okay? You seem off tonight.”

I avert my eyes to the beach as the awkwardness between us grows. “Can we go somewhere up the beach and talk?” I stuff my hands into the tiny front pockets of my shorts.

“Sure.” One of Harrison’s friends spots us and calls him over. He nods a greeting and grabs my hand, pulling it from my pocket. “Let’s gra

b a drink first.” I don’t want a drink, I want to talk, but I can’t be rude. Harrison hasn’t done anything wrong. With his hand on the small of my back, Harrison guides me through the crowd. While I’m waiting for him to fix me a drink, a wisp of my hair catches the wind and splits my lips. Harrison reaches up to remove it, letting his fingers linger on my cheek afterward. I move my head away. He’s speaking to his friend, and a warm hand suddenly wraps around my elbow.

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