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The Hustle (Irreparable 4)

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“When you’re ready, text me,” Marco says. “There are a lot of innocent people in that house. I’ll need time to get them out.”

“I love you, too,” I tell Maria and then turn my head to Marco.

My only concern has been Maria and Javier, but Marco’s right. When all hell rains down on Montez, no one in his path will survive.

“Of course,” I answer him.

“Sunday would be best,” he suggests. “There are only a few guards and servants at the mansion as Eduardo gives most the staff Sunday off for church and family.”

“How noble of the scumbag,” I spit with anger.

“I want him dead as much as you do.”

“Why?” I ask, feeling his reasons are more than loyalty to Torrente.

“Something he did caused me to lose someone I love. She died and I want him to suffer for that.”

My lips press flat as I watch him get into the car. Eduardo’s evil hand has touched so many people. If I ever felt a shred of regret for what he has coming, it’s gone. No one will mourn him.

I decide to stay in Monterrey until this thing with Eduardo is over. I need to be close to Maria and Javier so that I can take them home.

Marco takes the back road over the hills into the mansion at my request. The drive is longer and I want all the time I can to reflect on my time with Tug. I touch my swollen lips, relishing in the scent of him radiating from my blouse. My eyes close as I remember his taste and his touch. When the car gains speed, I open my eyes and tap on the window.

“What is it?” I ask Marco.

“Mr. Montez is on his way home.”

My body tenses immediately. “He has two more days.”

“He returned early and is on his way home from the airport.”

“Are you sure?”

“I have a friend at the airport. I’m sure. We have to get you to the house.”

“What if he’s already there or arrives at the same time? Stop here. I’ll run to the stables. When you see him, tell him I went for a ride.”

Marco reluctantly stops the car and I get out without another word. My legs burn as I sprint across the rocky terrain, but I keep running until I reach the stables. I quickly change into my riding clothes and boots and then hide my other clothing behind a tall stack of hay.

My saddle feels heavier than usual as I carry it to Shadow’s stable. I drop it on the floor upside down. The water in the trough freezes my hands as I scoop handfuls on the backside of the saddle, knowing Eduardo will check for sweat. Then, I toss it over Shadow’s back and pat his black mane before combing my hands down his neck to warm them.

The stable door creaks as it opens and I hear footsteps crunching into the straw on the floor. I reach up, slowly sliding the saddle toward me as though I’ve just returned from a ride.

“Ah, there you are,” Eduardo says, smiling as he approaches me. “You’re out of breath.”

I squeeze my eyes shut on a silent prayer as the saddle falls from my horse. Eduardo takes it from my hands. “Yes, I rode him a little hard today,” I offer as an excuse.

Eduardo drops the saddle at our feet and runs his hand up and down the animal’s snout. “Seems Shadow’s in much better shape than you, my dear.”

“Stronger heart, I guess,” I say, feeling fear strangling me.

Eduardo’s eyes stay on me as he leans down on one knee and feels the underside of the saddle. I swallow the relief that wants to burst out of me as Eduardo smiles and says, “I guess we’ll need to work out more to make your heart stronger.”

“I missed you,” I say with admiration in my voice. “I’m thrilled you’re home early.”

He takes my hand, guiding me back toward the house. “It seems the business I was called away on didn’t require as much time as I thought.”

“Is everything okay?”

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