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Rock Reclaimed (Rock Revenge Trilogy 2)

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As much as I hated leaving her to deal with the rubber, I loved coming back to wrap myself in her. She curled around me so trustingly now, laying her head on my chest as her eyelids grew heavy.

It was late, far too late for us to still be in the studio, but I didn’t want to get dressed and drive to her place. I wanted to fall asleep with her weight on top of me and her coconut-scented hair against my mouth.

Luckily, there was a postage-stamp-sized throw on the back of the couch. It had probably been put there for an artistic touch, since it barely did the job as coverage of any sort. If Zoe hadn’t been so tiny, it probably wouldn’t have even covered her pert little ass.

“I should go,” she mumbled, tucking her nose against my throat. “You have work.”

“My work is this.” When she drowsily opened her eyes and frowned at me, I laughed. “I don’t mean being with you is work. I mean, nothing else is as important as this.”

“But your song you were working on…” She trailed off and yawned. “Sorry. Wore me out.”

“You can help me with it.”

“I can?” She was already settling her head against my chest again.

Shutting my eyes, I started to sing the song I’d been working on with the help of the others. In my head, I called it “Sinner,” but it didn’t have an official title yet.

The lyrics rumbled out of my chest, my delivery halting. They weren’t quite there yet. But soon enough, I realized she wouldn’t be judging my ability.

My girl was softly snoring, cuddled up on me like a kitten who’d been wooed into sleep by a lullaby.

I stopped trying to fight closing my eyes as well. I’d never been so warm and comfortable as I was at that very moment, wrapped with her on a sofa that was meant more for form than function, in a studio that was deliberately kept cool for the instruments.

Her feet tangled with mine, our heartbeats in total sync.

I was about to doze off when she murmured, “you stopped singing,” and then immediately began to snore again.

Smiling, I closed my eyes.

And opened them again into a nightmare.

One with sleek blond hair and eyes that could’ve frozen over the very bowels of hell.

Lila, aka Zoe’s cousin. Looming over us in our near naked—okay, very naked—states with disapproval oozing from her perfect features.

Zoe was still asleep. Or she was until Lila spoke.

“Are you serious with this right now?”

I cocked an eyebrow at our current levels of undress and cupped Zoe’s head against my chest as she came awake. “Unless this is the worst dream I’ve ever had, I have to assure you that yes, we’re serious. I don’t suppose you came by to bring us coffee and scones?”


Shockingly, Lila was not amused.

“Zoe, what are you thinking?”

I waited for Zoe to leap to her feet and act put upon and outraged and possibly humiliated as well. No woman wanted to be caught like this after a night of carnal delights.

But my woman merely yawned and blinked owlishly then threw Lila what could only be termed an annoyed glance. “I’m thinking you just ruined my chances of morning nookie.”

“You do realize this is a record studio, not a place for random hookups?”

I didn’t have to look at Lila to know she had her hands on her hips. Her voice fairly screamed it for her.

Zoe snorted. “This wasn’t a random hookup, and you know it.”

I pushed a hand through my hair, at least what I could reach of it. Zoe and I were still stretched out. Probably because sitting up would involve showing more breasts and dicks than our napkin-sized throw could disguise. Not that it was helping much now, either.

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