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Reunited at The Altar

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What did he say to her?

His throat dried.

Polite and civil. That was what they’d agreed. He didn’t dare meet her eye, and he drew on every reserve he had to make sure he didn’t give a keynote speech worthy of a conference. ‘You look very nice, too, Abigail.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, her tone equally polite and civil.

Had she guessed at how much his thoughts were churning? He hoped not. ‘The cars are here,’ he said.

He made sure that his mother, Abigail, Isabella and Sadie were all comfortably seated, then helped Ruby into their own car.

‘Thank you,’ Ruby said when he’d closed the door. ‘You and Abby—I have to admit, I did worry a bit. Especially as she’s been very quiet about you.’

So obviously Abby hadn’t said a word to his twin about the kisses they’d exchanged. Or maybe they’d put her in as much of a spin as they’d done to him, and that was why she’d used the excuse of chief bridesmaid’s duties to avoid him for the last couple of days. Not wanting to make today difficult, he’d backed off. ‘It’s fine,’ he said. ‘We’re fine.’ Even though they weren’t, they would be for today. He’d make sure of that. Ruby’s wedding wasn’t going to be collateral damage from any problems between himself and Abby.

‘I wish Dad was here,’ Ruby said, a slight crack in her voice.

‘Me, too.’ He took her hand. ‘But I’m pretty sure he’s here in spirit. And he’d really love the woman you’ve become.’ He looked at her. ‘Don’t cry. Mum and Abby will kill me if your make-up’s even the slightest bit smudged.’

Ruby blinked hard. ‘I won’t cry.’

‘Be happy, Rubes,’ he said. And he wanted her to be as happy as he and Abby had been at the start of their own married life. Except he wanted that happiness to last for his sister for ever. ‘Colin’s a good man and I like him very much. But I know what Dad would be saying to you right now, and because he can’t say it then it’s my job to say it for him. I love you, and if you’ve got even the slightest, tiniest doubt about marrying Colin then you don’t have to walk down that aisle today. I’ll sort everything out for you so you won’t have to worry. Nothing matters except that you’re happy.’

‘I don’t have any doubts. I want to get married to Colin.’ Ruby looked straight at him. ‘Did you have any doubts when you married Abby?’

The question felt like a sucker-punch to his gut. He’d never told anyone why he’d rushed Abby off to Gretna Green—not even Abby herself. ‘No. But don’t repeat my mistakes, OK?’

His sister regarded him narrowly. ‘Are you sure you’re going to be OK with all this?’

‘It’s your wedding day. Of course I’m sure,’ he said. ‘You’re going to have a lovely wedding and a lovely life with a man who adores you.’

She squeezed his hand. ‘Love you, Brad. And I wish...’

‘Yeah. Me, too.’ He wished a lot of things. That his dad were still there. That he hadn’t shut Abby out. That he could find some compromise to suit them both.

He couldn’t change the past. But could he change their future?

At the church, he helped Ruby out of the car. Abigail straightened Ruby’s veil and made sure she was ready for the first batch of photographs.

And then it was time to walk down the aisle.

This service would be a much happier occasion than the last one he’d attended here.

To the sound of Pachelbel’s Canon—one of their father’s favourite pieces of music, and he knew that was why Ruby had chosen it—he walked his twin down the aisle and gave her away to Colin in the middle of the ceremony. But when he took his place in the pew for the rest of the service, he wasn’t looking at the bride and groom; he only had eyes for the chief bridesmaid. She looked wistful. Was it just the way women always looked at weddings—or was she thinking of their own wedding, right now, the way that he was? Remembering all the tiny details, all the little things that had made that day so special?

After Ruby and Colin signed the register and walked back down the aisle, there was a blur of photographs.

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