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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

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‘But not for too long.’ Lauranne chuckled. ‘He’s coming over now.’

Tom tensed but Zander smiled and extended a hand, the perfect host.

The two men chatted together about business and the building of the villa and then Tom made his excuses and backed away, leaving the two of them together.

Lauranne looked at Zander and slid her hand in his. ‘Thank you for inviting him,’ she said softly, standing on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. ‘Your self-restraint is improving daily.’

‘Just as long as you keep the physical stuff to a minimum,’ Zander growled, stooping to kiss her lips. ‘Underneath my civilised exterior, I’m still Greek. Remember that.’

‘Am I really likely to forget?’ Lauranne smiled up at him and then looked at their new home thoughtfully. ‘How many bedrooms did we decide on in the end?’

Zander shot her an incredulous look, obviously recalling the endless discussions with the team of architects. ‘If that is a serious question—’

She kept her expression innocent, deriving the maximum enjoyment from teasing him. ‘It’s just that we’re going to be needing another one soon.’

‘We are?’ He looked at her blankly and she smiled.

‘For a very intelligent man you can be extremely slow sometimes,’ she said softly, taking his hand and placing it low on her abdomen. ‘We’re having a baby.’

He stilled. ‘A baby?’

She nodded, smiling at the stunned expression on his face. ‘And it’s going to be born here on the island, just as your grandmother was.’ She looked at him anxiously, her eyes full of love. ‘Are you pleased?’

‘Pleased?’ He looked at her and then grinned, staggeringly handsome and endearingly smug about his latest achievement. ‘Of course I’m pleased.’

He scooped her into his arms, and strode towards the beach, totally ignoring the curious looks they were receiving from the other guests.

‘Zander—’ Lauranne closed her eyes in embarrassment ‘—you’re behaving like a caveman.’

Zander smiled. ‘I’m Greek, remember? Behaving like a caveman is what I do best.’

She peeped at him flirtatiously. ‘Actually I can think of something that you probably do better—’

He set her down in the sand, away from the crowds of people they’d invited to their new home.

‘Can you now?’ His voice was husky and unbelievably sexy as he bent his head to kiss her. ‘Care to show me?’

‘With pleasure,’ she whispered, standing on tiptoe to receive hi

s kiss. ‘With pleasure.’

* * * * *

Now, read on for a tantalizing excerpt of Dani Collins’ next book,


Ruthless billionaire Kaine has just given Gisella a shocking ultimatum: use her spotless reputation to save his own or he’ll ruin her family for betraying him! But uncovering sweet Gisella’s virginity makes Kaine want her for so much more than revenge…

Read on for a glimpse of



“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we’ve had a surprise offer for the entire estate by Mr. Kaine Michaels. A figure has been accepted by the family for the house and all the contents. We will not be auctioning individual items. Thank you for coming, but no further bidding will take place.”

“WHAT? No.” Gisella Drummond barely heard her own gasped words over the babble of discontent that rose from the crowd seated around her. They all let their bidding paddles droop in shock.

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