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Holiday with the Best Man

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‘So you don’t want to marry me?’ His face went inscrutable.

‘My heart’s telling me to rush in and say yes,’ she admitted, ‘but I’m still scared. Like you, I’ve been there before and it’s gone wrong. I was engaged to Howard for four years, Roland.’

‘And you still hadn’t bought your wedding dress, three weeks before the big day—when I know you’re the super-organised type who likes planning things in advance,’ he pointed out. ‘So maybe you knew deep down that marriage wasn’t the right thing for you and Howard, and you let it go as slowly as you could.’


Again, he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the backs of her fingers. ‘His parents didn’t like you, and they made you feel as if you were a worthless gold-digger. So I’m guessing that you’re worried my family will feel that same way about you, too.’

She swallowed hard. ‘Yes.’

‘My family isn’t like Howard’s,’ he said. ‘They’re not judgemental. They’re eccentric and they have bossy tendencies—well, you’ve met Philly so you already know that bit for yourself—but they’re warm and they’ll love you to bits as soon as they meet you. And I definitely like everyone I’ve met in your family.’

‘Uh-huh.’ She bit her lip. ‘Roland, I’m not very good about being spontaneous. And I know you’re good at sweeping me off my feet, but that wouldn’t be right—not for this. Can I have some time to think about it? Time to sort my head out?’

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘but I’m not giving you time to worry about things. Come and meet my family tomorrow, so you can see for yourself that it’ll be fine.’

She looked at him, horrified. ‘That’s not giving them much notice.’

He smiled. ‘Are you telling me you wouldn’t ring Bella or your parents on the spur of the moment and ask if you could drop in for a cup of tea? Or that they wouldn’t drop in on you unexpectedly?’

‘They’re my family. That’s what families do.’

‘Exactly. And it’s the same for me. So you’ll come and meet them tomorrow?’

She didn’t have any arguments left. And she knew she was right: the only way to get over her fears was to meet them. ‘OK.’


‘But I need you to know that I’ll never come between you and your family. If they don’t like me, then I’ll fade out of your life,’ she warned.

‘Deal,’ he said. ‘And I need you to know that I’m absolutely certain that won’t happen. They’ll love you, Grace. They’ll see you for who you are and they’ll love you.’ He kissed her lingeringly. ‘More to the point, I love you.’

‘I love you, too,’ she said shyly.

‘But you’re worried that the past is going to repeat itself and you need to be sure it won’t. I get that.’ He smiled. ‘And I’ll wait until you’re ready to give me an answer.’


THE NEXT MORNING, Grace woke in Roland’s arms. She lay there for a moment, just enjoying being close to him; but gradually she grew antsy.

Today was the day she was going to meet his family.

He’d said it would be light and easy. Just coffee. And he was sure they’d love her.

But what if they didn’t? Howard’s parents had never thought she was good enough for their son. And Roland’s background was very different from her own.

She knew that if she lay there, she’d get more and more miserable, and she’d start fidgeting. She needed to be active; but she also didn’t want to wake Roland and start whining at him.

When life gives you lemons, she thought, you make lemon drizzle cake.

And maybe that would be a good way to break the ice with Roland’s family. She could take them some home-made lemon drizzle cake to go with the coffee.

Gently, she extracted herself from Roland’s arms, shrugged on her dressing gown, crept out of the bedroom and quietly closed the door.

She’d just finished putting the hot lemon and sugar solution on the cake, letting it sink in, when Roland walked out of the bedroom.

‘Sorry—did I wake you with all the noise?’ she asked.

‘No. But something smells amazing.’

‘I thought I could take some cake with us,’ she said.

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