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A Proposal to Remember

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‘All cities are grimy in the day. You should see Milan—smoggy and noisy.’ Carlo took a sip of coffee and looked at her in surprise. ‘Mmm. You’re right, you do make good coffee. This is excellent.’

He’d given up trying to find a decent cup of coffee in England, but she’d managed to produce one.

Maybe it was an omen.

She’d changed into another pair of jeans and a soft cream jumper that just seemed to make her more huggable. She was soft and womanly and so alive that everything about her made him smile.

And her shy confession had affected him deeply.

He’d never been with anyone as inexperienced as her before.


?Come here.’ He put his coffee down and reached for her, trying to keep his tone neutral and unthreatening. Inside he was a raging mass of male hormones but he had no intention of letting her see that.

He was already feeling guilty that he’d pushed her too far in the shower.

Without the slightest hesitation she snuggled into his arms and they lay together on the cushions, staring out of the window.

She was so trusting.

Carlo felt an uncomfortable twist of guilt at the knowledge that he was deceiving her. On the other hand he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying the fact that she didn’t know who he was.

She lifted her head and looked at him, a touch of shyness in her twinkling eyes.

‘You like my coffee?’

He liked everything about her.

Unable to resist her, he gave a groan and rolled her back onto the cushions, shifting so that he was lying on top of her. Careful to keep his weight off her, he lowered his head and took her mouth, exploring its sweetness, trying to keep the kiss light and teasing.

He failed.

Zan’s response to his kiss was so hot and eager that desire ripped through him and he took the kiss a stage further. With every skilled stroke of his tongue he felt her trembling increase and the hand resting on her ribcage felt the rapid pounding of her heart.

The knowledge that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her did nothing for his self-control and he slid his hand under the hem of her jumper and felt her skin, warm and soft under the tips of his fingers. She gasped against his mouth as his fingers found her nipples and he felt his erection throb within the confines of his jeans.

Next time he met up with Zan, he definitely wouldn’t be wearing jeans.

Aware that he was testing his self-control to its limits, he dragged his mouth away from hers, moved his hand and sucked in some air.

If kissing her drove him this wild then what was going to happen when he finally made love to her?

Out of breath, and shaken by the whole experience of kissing Zan, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him, trying to make sense of the way he felt.

She burrowed into his chest and then finally she lifted her head and looked at him, shyness and question mingling in her green eyes.

‘Why did you stop?’

Was she really that innocent?

Carlo gave a wry smile. ‘Why do you think?’

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed pink. ‘You wanted me?’

‘You could say that.’

But it would have been an understatement.

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