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A Proposal to Remember

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She shook her head, her expression incredulous. ‘You just don’t get it, do you? We laughed together, we shared things, but none of it was real. You lied to me. I don’t know who you are.’

His jaw tightened. ‘I’m the same man who made love to you last night.’

She lifted a hand and slapped him hard across the face, wounded by his blunt reminder.

‘And I hate you for that!’ Her voice rang with passion and she glared at him. ‘And I don’t want your babies any more—and if you’d married someone else I would have punched her on the nose, but now she can have you!!’

With that she turned on her heel and made for the stairs, ignoring the lift which was still standing open.

* * *

She’d wanted to have his babies?

Carlo blinked, trying to make sense of her tumbled speech. Punched who on the nose? Who was she saying could have him?

He was still pondering the answer as he sprinted after her, with Matt close behind. ‘Zan, wait!’

He heard her footsteps clattering on the stairs as she fled from him and cursed fluently under his breath.

He didn’t want her out there alone.

Finally they reached street level and he slammed through the doors and stared around, looking for her.

Everything was quiet. She’d vanished.

Carlo whirled around and paced up to Matt. ‘We’ve got to find her,’ he growled ominously. ‘Before they do.’


‘LET me get this straight.’ Kim reached for a second box of tissues. ‘You found out that he’s a millionaire—no, sorry, a multimillionaire—and you slapped his face and walked away from him?’

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Zan helped herself to a bunch of tissues and blew her nose hard. ‘Basically, yes.’

‘Right.’ Kim gave her a look of total incomprehension. ‘But you love the guy, yes?’

‘Yes. No. I don’t know any more.’ Zan’s eyes filled again and Kim gave a sigh.

‘You love him. I recognise the signs. And frankly I’m missing something here. You love him, you slept with him, but now you’ve found out he’s rich you’re walking away from him.’ She pulled a face. ‘Sorry, but it doesn’t make sense.’

‘It isn’t the money,’ Zan sniffed. ‘It’s because he lied to me. He didn’t tell me who he really was.’

Kim spread her hands. ‘Well, the guy was obviously in a spot of bother.’

A spot of bother.

Zan remembered the police, the guns and the mess in her flat.

‘I think he was in more than a spot.’

‘Well, then, you can hardly blame him for keeping his identity a secret,’ Kim reasoned. ‘He had a bunch of thugs after him.’

‘He should have told me.’ Zan blew her nose again and settled herself more comfortably on the bed. ‘I feel totally humiliated. As though I slept with a stranger.’

‘Well, you did in a way. But that’s OK,’ Kim added hastily. ‘I mean, you liked him. A lot. More than you’ve ever liked a man before.’

‘That was when I thought he was a normal person.’

‘He is a normal person.’

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