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One Summer in Paris

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The concert passed in a flash and when applause exploded across the auditorium, Audrey leaned toward Grace.

“That sounded like the music you play when you’re cooking.”

“It is the music I play when I’m cooking.”

Still clapping, Audrey winked at her. “So you hadn’t altogether forgotten about Philippe, then, even though you were married to David.”

All around them people were standing and stamping their feet and Audrey stood up and tugged Grace up, too.

“This is fun. And I actually like this Mozart guy. Color me shocked. It’s a shame they don’t let you dance, because I could have totally danced to that. His music is pretty cool. I like the rhythm and it’s kind of happy.”

“I’m sure Mozart would be thrilled and proud to know he’d won you over.”

Audrey chortled with laughter. “Yeah, well, he should be because I’m a tough audience when it comes to brainy stuff.”

“Don’t put yourself down. It’s just music, that’s all. You can enjoy it the same way you enjoy other types of music.”

“No kidding. If I told the people in my school I liked Mozart, do you know what they’d do to me? It’s bad enough having red hair and not drinking. Red hair, not drinking and Mozart? That’s social suicide, right there.” Audrey clapped harder. “He’s looking for you, Grace. See him searching the audience? There—She’s here—” She stopped clapping and waved her arms, just as Philippe flashed Grace a smile. His gaze locked on hers and he gave a small bow in her direction before walking off the stage ahead of the orchestra.

Heat spread through her.

“Okay, that’s enough. My hands are sore.” Audrey stopped clapping and flapped her hands to cool them down. “Now what? It’s super early. Most rock concerts are only getting started around now. Do we go on to a club or something?”

Grace grabbed her wrap and her purse. “Philippe and I are going to dinner. You and Etienne are welcome to join us.”

“No way. We don’t want to intrude, do we, Etienne?”

Etienne was more respectful. “Are you meeting him at the restaurant, Mrs. Porter? We could take you there first, before we go back to my parents’ place.”

“Thank you, but I’m meeting him by one of the quiet entrances at the back. He has a driver.”

“Okay, well, in that case we’re out of here.” Audrey leaned across and kissed her on the cheek. “This is one of those times when you do not need company. Have fun, although I already know you will because that man really does know what to do with his hands.”


“What? Tell me you didn’t want to be that piano. Of course you did.” Audrey hugged her, but only so that she could whisper in Grace’s ear. “Go for it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Audrey pulled away, grinning. “I love you, Grace. I especially love you when you’re being all stiff and prim, but I’ve seen you without your tights, remember?”

Grace gave her a gentle push. “You’re going back to Etienne’s?”

“Yeah, I need to know what happens next to that girl in the book. Her whole life was going to shit—darn. I tell you, it almost made my life feel straightforward.”

“You’re reading?” She must have looked surprised because Audrey shrugged.

“He knows I’m dyslexic. He knows all of it. All my dirty little secrets. Technically I’m not actually reading, I’m being read to. I never thought that sounded like a fun thing to do in bed, but you’d be surprised.”

Grace glanced at Etienne, who was red-faced and embarrassed.

Really, the man was adorable.

“You’re reading to her?”

“I like reading aloud. I take a drama module.”

“See?” Audrey nudged her. “Story with actions. I’m going to make him read erotica next just to see if he can do it without blushing. Now go and write your own story, and don’t forget the actions.” She and Etienne melted into the throng of people, leaving Grace to fight her way to the entrance.

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