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Kisses at Sunset

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‘About three days ago, but he only had a couple of spots so I wasn’t sure.’

Ally examined the rash carefully and then helped pull Tom’s jumper back over his head.

‘It’s definitely chickenpox,’ she confirmed, turning to her computer and tapping keys. ‘I’ll give you a prescription for Piriton syrup, which should help the itching.’

‘When is he infectious, Dr McGuire—and should I keep him away from other children?’

Ally nodded. ‘Most nurseries prefer you to keep them off although, in fact, they’re infectious for twenty-four hours before the rash appears so in reality the chances are that he’s already passed it on. But keep him off until the rash crusts over.’

‘How long does that take?’

‘About five days.’ Ally waited while the computer printed out the prescription and then handed it to the mother. ‘What we do need to talk about is you.’

‘Me?’ Felicity shifted Tom to the other knee and looked surprised. ‘Why me?’

‘How pregnant are you now?’

‘Nearly thirty-seven weeks.’

‘Right—and have you had chickenpox?’

Felicity screwed up her face and shrugged. ‘I haven’t got a clue, frankly. Why?’

‘Because we need to take blood to check your immune status.’

Felicity frowned. ‘But why? I know these infections are dangerous at the beginning, but the baby is formed by now, isn’t it?’

‘It is fully formed and you’re right to say infectious diseases are dangerous in the beginning, but chickenpox is also a risk to the pregnant mother at the end of pregnancy.’ Ally opened a drawer and pulled out a form. ‘We need to check your immunity and then give you an injection if necessary.’

Felicity looked stunned. ‘I’m glad I came now—I almost didn’t because I was so sure it was just chickenpox.’

‘I’m sure it won’t be a problem,’ Ally said firmly, scribbling Felicity’s details on the form. ‘Just take this to Sister next door and she’ll take some blood from you. We’ll ring you as soon as we have the results. But if you go into labour early, you give us a ring.’

‘Will do.’ Felicity stood up awkwardly and patted her lump. ‘Why did I do it? Two was enough really, and I’m dreading the labour.’

Ally checked the notes. ‘You had a forceps delivery last time.’

‘And a ventouse the first time. I couldn’t sit down for a month.’ Felicity bit her lip. ‘They say it gets easier but I’m not convinced.’

‘It’s very unusual to need forceps the second time around,’ Ally told her. ‘I’m sure this time you’ll be fine. The presentation is good and you’re very healthy.’

‘Well, Hugh’s having the snip after this one,’ Felicity said with a mock scowl, and Ally smiled as she left the room.

Lucy bounced in five minutes later. ‘I’ve just taken blood from Felicity Webster—could that chickenpox be bad news, do you think?’

Ally shook her head and smiled. ‘She’s probably immune—most people are.’

Lucy frowned and plopped herself in the empty chair. ‘What if she isn’t?’

‘She has to be given ZIG.’

Lucy laughed. ‘What on earth is ZIG? It sounds like something from outer space.’

‘Zoster immune globulin,’ Ally told her, slipping off her shoes and curling her slim legs under her bottom. ‘Instant immunity.’

‘Well, you learn something new every day. Anyway, enough of that.’ Lucy gave her a curious smile. ‘Who’s this new locum we’ve got?’ The door opened and Lucy turned her head, her jaw dropping as she stared at the man standing there.

‘This is the new locum,’ Ally said quickly, slipping her feet back into her shoes—but not before Sean had taken a long, leisurely look at her exposed thighs. Damn the man! ‘Dr Nicholson, this is our practice nurse—’

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