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Family For Beginners

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“So basically you’ll be freaking out and I won’t know it?”

“Sounds about right.”

“You’re not that good an actor. I’m going to know if you’re freaking out.”

“I’ll work on it, but you should also know that the reason I’m freaking out is because I love you, and I want nothing but good things for you. But whatever you decide, and whatever happens with Flora, I’ll be right here backing you up. I want you to fly, sweetheart, but know that you can always come back home. And you will always have a home wherever I am, I hope you know that.”

She discovered that she did know that, and knowing it brought tears to her eyes even though she was sure that physiologically her body had to be as dry as the desert by now.

She blinked several times. Adults didn’t sob like a baby. “Thanks for coming to find me.”

“Anytime, although next time I hope you’ll call me before you call a cab.”

“Did you remember to drive on the left side of the road?”

“Aiden drove.”

“Aiden?” She lifted her head. “He’s here?”

“In the car. Waiting to drive one, or both of us, back. I’m hoping it’s both of us.” His voice wasn’t steady. “Can I give you an embarrassingly big kiss or would that make you leap on the train?”

She grinned. “Well I’ve already embarrassed myself without your help so I’m beyond caring.” She leaned against him again, her head on his shoulder as she’d done so often as a child. She felt his lips on her hair, but most of all she felt his love and it was so powerful she wondered how she could ever have doubted it. “Are there snakes in Vietnam?”

“Thousands of them. They’re everywhere. You probably won’t be able to put your feet on the ground without treading on at least six of them. Not that I’m trying to put you off or anything. It’s totally your decision. And there are spiders, too. Massive hairy spiders who never shave their legs.”

She didn’t know whether to giggle or shudder. “Maybe I’ll go to college after all.”

“Wherever you go, whatever you decide, I’m here for you. Until you meet a hot guy of course, and forget about your old dad.”

She’d already met her hot guy, but she wasn’t ready to tell him that. Maybe soon.

And then Aiden appeared on the platform, out of breath and noticeably lacking in his customary cool. “I saw the train coming—I was afraid you might get on it without giving me a chance to talk to you. I love you, Izzy.”

Izzy squirmed. Not now. Not in front of her dad.

The thought came to her naturally and she realized that she’d always thought of Jack that way so there was really no reason why he shouldn’t think of her as a daughter, too.

Jack stood up. “I may not have won many awards for parenting lately, but I know when it’s time for me to leave.”

“No.” Izzy grabbed his hand. “I don’t want you to go.”

Finally the train rattled into the station, grinding to a halt. The three passengers boarded the train. Doors slammed.

Jack glanced from her to the train. “We can stay here and chat on this train platform, which is charming as train platforms go, or we could go home and have this conversation somewhere more comfortable. And I can talk to Flora.”

Izzy held tightly to his hand but she was looking at Aiden.

“Let’s go home.”



The lake lapped relentlessly at her ankles, drawing her deeper into the water.

Flora forced herself to keep walki

ng, even though her limbs shook with every step. The water was up to her calves now, the shock of the cold water making her gasp. It was summer. How could the water be so cold in summer?

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