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Family For Beginners

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“Bring me up-to-date on your news. Have you started applying for colleges, Izzy?” Clare handed a plate to Todd and he lifted the rest of the burgers from the grill. “Which place is at the top of your list?”

“I’m not going to college.” Izzy spoke in a high voice, her announcement emphatic and clearly shocking to those who knew her.

Everyone stopped what they were doing. Clare glanced across at Jack, who stood with his empty plate held midair.

Even Aiden frowned.

Flora stood without moving. She’d sensed right from the first moment that Izzy was wound tight. She’d witnessed the emotion building inside her and wondered when and where they’d eventually be released.

Was this it?

Molly was the first to react. Delighted, she flung her arms round her sister. “Yay! You’re not leaving.”

In the few seconds before Izzy closed her eyes and hugged her back, Flora caught a glimpse of desperate vulnerability.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, bunny. I’m going to be hanging around for a while, taking care of you and Dad.”

Was that what this was about? Did Izzy feel she needed to stay at home and take care of the family?

“Wait a moment—” Jack’s voice was even, measured, as he tried hard not to overreact. “What do you mean you’re not going to college? Of course you’re going to college. You’ve been planning it forever.”

“Plans change, don’t they? Life changes. Nothing stays the same.”

There were so many undercurrents in her little speech that Flora wanted to throw her a life belt. Izzy was struggling. She’d been right about that.

“Some things have changed that’s true, but not everything.” Jack was gripping his plate. “Your home, me, your sister, your friends—being here with Aunt Clare and the gang. That hasn’t changed. Your future doesn’t have to change either.”

“Yes, it does.” The toss of her head challenged her father to argue. “I’m going to stay home, and then maybe I’ll travel for a couple of years. The Far East. Vietnam. Cambodia. Spend some time in Thailand.”

Jack struggled to find his voice. “Vietnam? Cambodia? What are you going to do there?”

“I don’t know.” She lifted a shoulder. “Get a job in a bar or a restaurant? Hang out on the beach?”

Flora wondered if she really wanted to travel, or if she was trying to push her father into a reaction.

She got one.

“You are not traveling alone through the Far East. And you’re not hanging out on a beach.”

He was always so patient with the girls, but Izzy’s words seemed to flip a switch. Flora had never seen this side of him.

“Why not?” They were locked eye to eye, father and daughter, everyone around them forgotten.

“Where do you want me to start? First, because it isn’t safe. You can’t travel the world on your own.”

“Because you’d worry?”

“Because it is an outrageous idea. Also, because you’re going to college.”

She wants him to worry, Flora thought. She wants him to show that he cares.

“I’m not going to college. I’ve decided.” Izzy was all attitude, her expression mutinous. “That’s not what my life is anymore.”

“I want the very best for you, that’s all.” Jack took a deep breath and sent an apologetic look toward his friends. “Drop the subject.”

Flora leaned closer. “Talk about it now. Take a walk together.”

Jack shook his head. “It’s our first evening with our friends. Clare has been cooking all day. We’re going to enjoy ourselves and talk about this another time.” He gave Izzy a loaded look that she returned. It was hard to figure out which of them was more wound up.

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