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Snowbound: Miracle Marriage (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 8)

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Maggie looked curious. ‘Ah, yes—Alfie mentioned that you’ve been working in America. What a coincidence—our Patrick was in America just a few weeks ago, interviewing for a job.’

‘Really?’ Hayley squeaked the word, searching for ways of extracting herself from what was fast developing into a conversation she didn’t want to have.

‘Oh—that hurts.’ With a gasp, Sally clutched her. ‘Could we go back to the room, Hayley?’

‘Of course.’ Concerned, Hayley slipped her arm round her new friend, sending Maggie a look of apology. ‘Thanks for the scrubs. I’ll change in a minute.’

‘No hurry. We owe you.’ Maggie watched them walk slowly down the corridor. ‘And the birthing pool will be ready whenever you are.’

Hayley pushed open the door to Sally’s room and helped her inside.

The other woman immediately straightened and gave her a look. ‘All right, I rescued you from the inquisition—my price is that you tell me the truth.’

Hayley stared at her. ‘You weren’t having a contraction?’

‘No, but I will be in another minute so could you get to the juicy part fairly quickly?’ Sally lumbered over to the bed. ‘And the more detail the better, please. Good sex is a thing of the past for me. Whoever said that women always feel sexy in pregnancy had never put on this much weight. I can’t imagine why Tom would want to touch me, looking like this.’

‘You look gorgeous, Sally.’

‘No, it’s my shoes that look gorgeous.’ Sally eased herself onto the edge of the bed. ‘I just look fat. Oh…’ She screwed up her face and started to breath steadily, trying to work through the contraction.

Hayley put her hand on Sally’s abdomen, feeling the strength of the contraction and looking at the clock. ‘They seem to be coming more frequently, Sally. How do you feel about that pool?’

‘Let’s go for it. But not until you’ve told me about Patrick. You met him in America, had sex and it was completely amazing and that’s why you’re here.’

Hayley’s eyes widened. ‘Are you clairvoyant?’

‘No, I’m a woman.’ Sally reached for her bag. ‘Patrick is unreasonably sexy. If I’d met him when I was single, I would have slept with him too. But don’t tell Tom that. I need Patrick conscious until this baby is born. On the other hand, he might be the one to floor my Tom—he’s strong enough. Mmm…’ She gave Hayley a wicked look. ‘So—I haven’t actually seen him naked but it’s got to be a good sight. Am I right?’

Hayley was laughing, her face scarlet. ‘Sally, for goodness’ sake…’

‘Oh, please indulge me, Hayley. I feel like a whale and I’m in pain and scared. I need distraction.’

Hayley saw something flicker in Sally’s eyes and she leaned forward and hugged her impulsively. ‘Don’t be scared,’ she said huskily. ‘You’re going to be fine. We’re going to do it together.’ Wondering whether she’d overstepped the mark, she pulled away, but Sally yanked her back again.

‘Don’t stop. You have no idea how good it feels to be hugged. Tom is so stressed he’s forgotten to hug me. But don’t think that’s going to get you off the hook. I still want to know everything. We’ve all been longing for Patrick to find someone.’

Hayley straightened. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea.’ Hayley reached for the set of scrubs that Maggie had given her. ‘It really isn’t like that.’

Sally’s eyes narrowed. ‘But you’d like it to be, obviously. And he couldn’t stop looking at you when he was in here earlier.’

‘Really?’ Startled by that piece of information, Hayley felt her stomach curl and then she shook her head. ‘I don’t know what to think. He wasn’t that thrilled to see me.’

‘Hold that thought—contraction coming.’ While Sally breathed steadily, Hayley struggled to hold back the sudden surge of happiness that engulfed her like a cloak. Had he been looking at her? Really?

Now that the shock of her arrival had faded—now that he knew she wasn’t pregnant—was he pleased she was here?

‘Hey, no dreaming unless it’s out loud.’ Sally poked her in the arm and gave a faint smile. ‘You’re depriving me of a vicarious sex life, I can feel it. Tell me every little detail. You know you want to.’

And Hayley discovered that she did want to. So she told Sally everything.

‘And you just left his room? You didn’t even wake him up?’ Sally clutched her arm. ‘I think I might be ready for the water.’

‘Let’s get you over there now.’

‘Wait a minute.’ Sally winced. ‘Has he given you your knickers back?’

Hayley blushed. ‘He hasn’t mentioned them.’

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