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Doukakis's Apprentice

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‘I wanted to be sure they’d take you if you wanted to go.’

‘You’re asking if I want to do an MBA?’ Delight mingled with consternation. ‘You don’t want me to work for you any more?’

‘I just said I don’t want to lose you. You’d be doing both—working and studying. This way you still work for me and take time off when you need it.’

There was a loud buzzing in her ears. ‘You’re saying I could study and carry on at DMG?’

‘It would be hard work. You might want to refuse.’

‘Why? Because I’m generally lazy?’ She kept it light to try and stifle the lump in her throat that had come from nowhere. He knew how badly she wanted a formal business qualification. He’d taken the time to research courses for her. ‘I don’t have a first degree.’

‘They’d take into account your experience working in the business. You might have to take a couple of exams in order to qualify.’

It felt too good to be true. ‘I wouldn’t be able to afford it.’

‘The company would pay. We’d be the beneficiaries of all that expertise.’

The lump in her throat grew. ‘Why? Why would you do this for me?’

‘If you’re going to be working here long term and embarking on a proper career path with DMG then it’s right that you should have a career plan.’

Polly didn’t know whether to laugh or sob. ‘I always thought you were a traditional Greek male. A woman’s place is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and all that.’

‘I am traditional. I have no problem with a woman being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen if that’s where she wants to be. But I’m also an astute businessman. I employ the best person for the job. I want you in my company. I’m happy to have you as you are, but you’ve always wanted to do this and I believe that if there’s something you really want to do you should do it.’

Afraid she really was going to cry, Polly stood up quickly, clutching the file like a lifebelt. ‘If it’s OK with you I’m going to take this away and read it.’

‘Sit down. I haven’t finished.’

Polly sat, still overwhelmed by what he was offering.

He was silent for a moment, his long fingers tapping a rhythm on his desk as he watched her. ‘You and I are going out tonight.’

‘Oh?’ She tried to concentrate and behave professionally. ‘We have a business dinner?’

‘Not business. A date. You can leave your notebook behind.’

Date? Suddenly Polly forgot the file in her hand. ‘You—you’re asking me out?’


Her heart pounded. ‘I work for you.’

‘I don’t care,’ he said testily. ‘For once I’m going to do what I want to do just because I want to do it.’

‘Oh.’ If she’d thought she was happy before it was nothing to how she felt now, as her eyes met his. ‘So—not for business or anything? Just for the hell of it?’

He gave a wry smile. ‘Just for the sheer hell of it. You’re always telling me I take myself too seriously.’


‘Does “wow” mean yes?’

She was grinning like an idiot, ridiculously pleased. ‘Yes. Where are we going?’

‘Somewhere special.’

‘Ah, so no flamingo-pink tights.’

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