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The Magic of Christmas

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He glanced up at her and for a long moment they just stared at each other, and then something flickered in his blue eyes. ‘Good morning, Lara. Merry Christmas.’

‘Merry Christmas.’ Suddenly she wished Aggie had given her time to have a shower and wash her hair.

A lazy smile touched his mouth as he reached across and handed her a large mug of coffee. ‘Take it. It’s strong. If you feel anything like I do, you need it.’

‘I expect you’re both tired because you were so excited about Father Christmas coming. Were you awake all night? I was.’ Aggie was under the tree, yanking out presents. ‘What do we open first? Can I open this huge one?’

‘Only if it has your name on it,’ Christian said mildly, shaking his head as he watched his daughter. ‘I think she’s going to explode in a minute.’

‘Aggie, let’s start with the stockings,’ Chloe said, sticking her hand in and pulling out a strangely shaped parcel.

The next hour passed in a haze of laughter, wrapping paper and excited children.

When the entire sitting room was covered in paper and discarded packaging, they went outside and ‘discovered’ Aggie’s new bike.

‘Father Christmas was listening,’ she said happily, as she careered down the snowy path on her bright red bike. ‘This is brilliant. Listen to the bell.’

Leaving them to enjoy themselves, Lara sneaked out to put the turkey in the oven.

From the garden she could hear the sounds of Aggie and Chloe laughing, interspersed with Christian’s deeper tones.

She looked round his beautiful kitchen and felt a lump settle in her throat.

She’d never thought this would happen to her.

She’d honestly never thought she’d meet a man who would make her want to just abandon everything and settle down.

Blinking back tears, she slid the turkey into the oven and closed the door. Would she ever find another man who would make her feel this way?

‘Lara.’ Aggie’s voice came from the sitting room. ‘You have to come! We’re waiting for you! It’s your turn!’

Her turn for what?

Lara closed her eyes briefly. Somehow she had to get through the day.

The children were happy and excited and they didn’t need her miserable face spoiling their fun.

Taking a deep breath, she pinned a smile on her face and walked back into the room.

‘Here I am. What’s the problem?’

‘You haven’t opened your stocking.’Aggie was hopping around and Chloe frowned at her and grabbed her hand.

‘Be quiet, Aggie! For once in your life, stop talking! Daddy has to do this bit.’

Aggie gave a hopeless whimper. ‘But we all helped choose the presents and I—’

‘Aggie!’ Chloe’s tone was sharp. ‘Enough!’

Aggie subsided and Lara glanced between the three of them, baffled. ‘What’s going on?’

Chloe cleared her throat. ‘Daddy has something that he wants to give you.’

Lara pulled a face. ‘Well—this is embarrassing,’ she muttered, casting an apologetic glance in his direction. ‘Sorry. I sort of assumed that you knew not to buy me anything.’

‘It’s a stocking,’ Aggie breathed, her eyes shining with excitement. ‘More than one thing.’

Lara’s eyes slid to the fireplace and, sure enough, there was a small stocking with her name on it. She swallowed down the lump in her throat. ‘That’s so sweet of you all,’ she croaked, walking across to pick it up. ‘Gosh. I don’t know what to say.’

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