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Defying the Prince

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‘Everything you’ve done for my career, of course. Because of you I’m suddenly hot stuff. Well, maybe not hot quite yet but I’m definitely room temperature—’ she pushed a bikini into a side pocket ‘—which is a step in the right direction after a few years in the freezer. When I made you my Goal of the Day I had no idea so much would come of it.’

Shock held him silent and then Matteo was consumed by a blast of outrage. They’d spent a month living together. They’d had the most incredible sex. Damn it, he’d eaten picnics and swum in his own fountain. And she was thanking him for boosting her career?

‘So the past month has all been about your goal?’ The hardness of his tone earned him a reproachful look.

‘No, of course not! We had a lot of fun, but all good things come to an end, as they say, and you have things to do and I have things to do….’

Matteo discovered that the only thing he wanted to do was haul her back into bed and show her that some good things could be repeated as many times as necessary. ‘You could stay on after the concert.’

‘What would be the point of that? Neither of us has ever pretended this is anything but a fling. It was the perfect relationship. Perfect for me because I needed the boost to my confidence after that fiasco with Brian, and perfect for you because you want to keep your relationships superficial.’

Given that was indeed what he wanted, the sudden flare of his temper made no sense and the inconsistency in his own thoughts and feelings aggravated him as much as her casual dismissal of what they’d shared.

Furious with himself and with her, Matteo sprang from the bed. ‘If that’s what you want then I’ll arrange a flight for you immediately after the concert.’

Even that didn’t earn him her full attention because she was apparently focused on trying to fasten her case. ‘That’s very generous of you. And thanks again for getting me a backstage pass. Wow.’

That was it?

That was all she was going to say?

Not trusting himself to speak Matteo grabbed his phone and stalked towards the bathroom. ‘The concert starts at two. I need to get ready.’

Why was it that men never said what women wanted to hear?

Soaked in misery, Izzy stood in the wings watching her idols with feigned excitement, all the while thinking of nothing but Matteo.

Why, when she knew what he was like, had she expected him to argue with her when she’d reminded him he liked to keep his relationships superficial? He’d spent a lifetime avoiding intimacy so had she really believed he’d change overnight?

When he’d leapt out of the bed she’d really thought he was going to haul her into his arms and tell her not to leave, instead of which he’d strode into the shower without a backward glance in her direction.

All of which proved she’d been right in her decision to leave, but that didn’t make it feel any easier.

She loved him like crazy.

Ending it had felt like cutting off part of her body and now she was bleeding inside. Maybe it wasn’t so surprising that he couldn’t see how she was feeling. He was so used to women who wanted him for his title and connections that it had been all too easy to convince him that she was just one more of those, especially given that her original plan had been to use him for precisely those reasons.

Surprised by how much it hurt that he could think that of her, Izzy stepped backwards as a high-profile rock band sprinted onto the stage.

She had to focus. Somehow, she had to get through the concert.

Her Goal of the Day was simply to survive and not embarrass herself.

Artist after artist performed in front of an ecstatic crowd and at one point Izzy was joined by Jessica and a few of the other teenagers from the hospital.

By the time darkness fell and they reached the climax of the concert, she was exhausted and just desperate for the whole thing to end.

Lost in her own misery, she wasn’t even aware of the commotion backstage until Matteo planted himself in front of her.

Having been avoiding him all evening, Izzy flinched. ‘What?’

Incredulity lit his dark eyes. ‘Have you any idea what’s been happening?’

Happening? ‘Er, the concert is great. The audience is amazing,’ she improvised, and he gritted his teeth.

‘Callie has just been rushed to hospital in an ambulance.’

‘Oh, dear.’ Her mouth formed the words but all she could think was that she was never going to feel about anyone the way she felt about him. ‘Poor her. I hope it’s not serious.’

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