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A Wedding in December

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She tried not to think about the carefully chosen outfits packed in her suitcase.

“I’ll put these on while you talk to your father.” She vanished to the bathroom with the spare change of underwear she’d had the forethought to pack in her hand luggage, and tugged on the clothes.

The jeans were too tight, but by sucking everything in she managed to do them up.

She emerged to find Rosie and Nick talking about the wedding.

“Katie is arriving on the afternoon flight, but Dan has to be somewhere, and I have a final dress fitting. Do you think she’ll mind if Jordan picks her up? He offered to drive to the airport.”

“She’ll be grateful, I’m sure.” Maggie wasn’t sure of much these days where Katie was concerned. She was looking forward to seeing her face-to-face. “That’s kind of him. Is he married?”

Rosie glanced at her. “Don’t go there. You know what Katie is like. And honestly I can’t think of two people less suited than Jordan and my sister.”

“Why? What’s wrong with your sister?”

“Nothing. I love her. But you have to admit she is very work focused.”

“She has an important job.” Katie didn’t have it all, either, Maggie thought sadly. She had the work but very little time for anything else.

“She’s also a city girl. After two hours in the city, Jordan can’t breathe.” Rosie stepped back. “You look cute in those jeans.”

“They’re acting like a tourniquet. There is no blood flowing through the lower part of my body. And I’m two decades too old to be wearing them.”

“I think you look great.” Rosie handed her gloves and a hat. “Are you ready for your shopping trip? I’ll drop you at Snowfall Lodge on my way into town.”

Knowing that she couldn’t make excuses after her less than impressive performance the night before, Maggie pulled on her coat.

No matter what happened, she was going to try not to embarrass her daughter.

Rosie turned to her father. “Dan and Jordan will pick you up here in half an hour and we’ll all meet up later. They’re going to bring outerwear to keep you warm and dry.”

Mindful that although she’d overacted the night before, she was still part of the same play, Maggie walked over to Nick and kissed him goodbye. To her surprise he took her face in his hands and kissed her back. His mouth was warm and gentle and she felt something unfurl inside her.

Maybe I’m still a little drunk, she thought as she eased away.

She wondered what he’d been about to say before Rosie had turned up.

Rosie rolled her eyes. “You guys! The rest of us have a lot to live up to.”

Maggie headed for the door without looking at Nick.

Was she giving Rosie a false impression of marriage by not being honest?

No. She was doing the right thing. This was about Rosie and Dan, not her.

Maggie stepped out of the tree house after her daughter. Last night she’d viewed the forest and the night sky through an alcohol-induced haze, but today her vision was as clear as the perfect blue sky. Fresh snow dusted the trees and she felt the cold air freeze her cheeks. The first thing she noticed was how calm and peaceful it was. She stood still for a moment, enclosed by the forest, listening to the crack of branches and the soft thud of snow. She saw a pond, frozen over and framed by conifers on one side and tall aspen trees on the other.

Catherine was waiting outside Snowfall Lodge, slim and elegant in jeans, a coat with a fur trim and a pair of oversize shades.

Maggie hadn’t expected her to be so casually dressed and instantly felt a little better, even though Catherine looked as if she’d spent half her life in the gym and made jeans look like a high fashion choice.

Still, at least she wasn’t carrying a planner.

Rosie made the introductions quickly and Maggie climbed into the car next to her daughter’s soon-to-be mother-in-law. The jeans almost cut her in two at the waist. Maybe she should ask if she could lie across the back seat.

“I apologize for not joining you for dinner last night.”

“Not a problem! That flight is a killer. I’m probably supposed to commiserate that the airline lost your baggage, but honestly it’s a great excuse to shop.” Catherine simmered with energy and made Maggie even more aware of her throbbing head and the fuzzy feeling that Nick had told her was jet lag.

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