The Spanish Consultant (Westerling) - Page 58

Mortified by the intensity of her response to him, she rolled away from him, only to find herself dragged back against his hard, muscular body.

‘Stop trying to create distance between us,’ he murmured huskily, sliding his fingers through the length of her hair with all the smug satisfaction of a man who’d just got exactly what he’d wanted.

Desperation spread through her body like a flood. Would she always be this vulnerable to him?

‘Sex doesn’t change anything between us.’

‘Shut up,’ he groaned, rolling her under him and proceeding to kiss her again. ‘You definitely talk too much.’

So instead of talking, she found herself kissing him back and this time he took her with agonising slowness, each slow, deliberate thrust designed to drive her to the very heights of desperation. Unable to believe that he could arouse her again so quickly, Katy closed her eyes and gave herself up to sensation, totally unable to control her response.

‘You feel so good,’ Jago groaned, and her eyes flew wide and clashed with his as he thrust into her with surprising gentleness.

Transfixed by the look of male appreciation that she caught in his eyes, her stomach tumbled over itself and she felt swamped with love. He was just so amazing in bed. It would have been so very easy to believe that he loved her.

She felt her body tingle as he aroused her yet again to a state of mindless abandonment, but yet again he chose to delay satisfaction until their bodies were both screaming with unfulfilled excitement before driving them both, gasping, to a ferocious climax.

The first shafts of morning sunlight were fingering their way through the open window when she finally fell asleep, and when she awoke he was gone.

After a day of back-to-back presentations and discussions, during which she’d watched with helpless hunger as Jago had wowed the extremely high-powered audience with his cool intellect, Katy returned to the hotel and opened the door of her room.

She was immediately assaulted by the powerful scent of flowers. And not just one bunch of flowers. Her room seemed to contain the entire year’s stock of an average florist.

Taken aback, she walked into the room, her eyes focusing on a card which had been left on the table.

She picked it up and read it.

‘You look very beautiful when you’re asleep. J.’

They were from Jago.

Jago, who’d never sent her flowers before.

Still reeling over the sheer volume of blooms, she heard the door of her room close suddenly and turned to find him standing there.

Her heart stumbled in her chest and she felt her whole body react to his powerful presence.

He was staggeringly good-looking.

To even think that she could resist him was to totally underestimate the impact of his explosive brand of sexuality.

He removed his jacket with a shrug of his broad shoulders and jerked off his tie. ‘It’s been a very long and very boring day, querida,’ he murmured huskily, dropping the tie on the bed with careless disregard for its future appearance. ‘Concentrating on my slides was a formidable challenge. All I could think of was getting back to the hotel and being with you.’

Katy stared at him helplessly.

All he could think about was sex. He was just so basic and she really ought to be protesting, but already he’d undone the buttons on his shirt and her mouth dried as the fabric fell apart to reveal a tantalising glimpse of his tanned, muscular chest. Unable to help herself, her eyes traced the dark hairs as they travelled down and into the waistband of his trousers.

‘If you want to help, please, feel free,’ he teased her gently, and she felt the colour touch her cheeks.

‘Jago, we ought to talk.’

They hadn’t resolved anything and she just knew he was going to hurt her again. After all, never, despite all his c

ommands that she give up Freddie, had he once implied that he felt anything for her other than lust.

She had to tell him that, despite what had happened between them the night before, nothing had changed.

She still had no intention of renewing her relationship with him in the long term.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024