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Sleigh Bells in the Snow (O'Neil Brothers 1)

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HE COULD SEE them watching, noses pressed to the window as he and Kayla climbed into the sleigh. He was torn between frustration, amusement and sympathy.

Could his family be any less subtle?

Even Tyler was still standing by the window, beer in hand as he watched.

Jackson hoped Kayla didn’t notice them or she’d probably go straight to the airport and sleep in the departure lounge overnight rather than hang around a moment longer.

“Merry Christmas.” Pete grinned at them both as he used the reins and his voice to persuade Bessie to move.

“We’ve had her since she was a foal. Gramps used to do the sleigh rides at one time but now it makes his arthritis worse.” Jackson pulled the blanket over Kayla. “You’ll need this. It can get cold.”

“Thanks. This is fun.” But she didn’t look like someone who was having fun. She looked wan. Pale. Incredibly tired.

He felt a stab of concern. “Did Alice upset you?”

“No, of course not. She’s lovely. Your whole family is lovely.” There was a choke in her voice that caught his attention and gave him hope.

“Why didn’t you tell them about your promotion? You have a right to celebrate.”

But she didn’t look as if she was celebrating.

She stared ahead through the trees. “It didn’t seem like the right time.”

He wasn’t sure this was the right time for what he had planned, either, but it was the only time he had so he intended to use it.

He sat, restless and impatient as the sleigh wound along the groomed forest trail, the jangle of bells and the soft thud of hooves disturbing the silence.

“Thank you.” She turned to him, her smile strained. “It’s been a happy Christmas Day. I was dreading it, but it’s been the best ever.”

He thought about what he carried in his pocket.

He was either about to ruin that day or make it perfect.

“It hasn’t finished yet.” They’d reached the part of the trail that led to the frozen waterfall and Pete pulled in and winked at Jackson.

There were times when he wished he lived in a place where a man could have a few secrets, and this was one of those times.

Jackson sprang down from the sleigh and held out his hand to her. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the same place we came on the first day.” They took a different path, staying on a groomed track until they reached the waterfall.

“I can’t believe I’ve been here a week. I can’t believe I’ll be back in New York tomorrow.”

He took her hand and noticed that she didn’t try to pull it away. “How do you feel about that?”

“Excited, of course.” Her smile was a little too bright. “Why?”

“Because I want you to stay.” He hadn’t meant to say it so abruptly. He should have said something fluent and romantic, something that would make her head spin and her heart melt. Instead of which, he’d shocked her. “I really want you to stay.”

Instead of looking starry-eyed, she looked stunned. “Stay?”

“Yes. Damn it, Kayla—” he grabbed her jacket and hauled her against him “—I love you.”

She stared at him, her breathing shallow. “You’re crazy.”

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