Maybe This Christmas (O'Neil Brothers 2) - Page 138

“Are you both going to sign this license? It was kind of Paul to agree to officiate, but I’m sure he’s looking forward to enjoying Christmas lunch with his family, and I know Tyler has plans for you, Brenna, so let’s get this done.”


Snug and warm inside her jacket, the roses in her hand, Brenna looked at Paul Hanlon, the local justice of the peace. She’d known him since she was a little girl, and she hadn’t even noticed him standing there, hidden behind her father and Walter. “I’ve spoiled your Christmas Day.”

“You’ve made my Christmas Day, Brenna.” He stepped forward and faced the two of them, and after that everything blurred.

She remembered exchanging vows with Tyler, speaking words not from a piece of paper, but from her heart. She barely heard the words he said back to her because she was hypnotized by the look in his eyes, a look she’d waited her whole life to see.

And then he was sliding a ring onto her finger and kissing her as if he never intended to stop.

They were oblivious to their family, oblivious to everyone until Jess tugged at Tyler’s shoulder.

“Dad. Enough. We’re all getting frostbite.”

“C’est vrai!” Élise nodded agreement. “Me, I love romance more than anyone but I am cooking Christmas lunch for half of Vermont so now I need to go, and I don’t want to miss anything. Tonight we celebrate. There will be champagne.”

“Better order plenty of it because we have lots to celebrate.” Kayla was holding Jackson’s hand. “Not just that Tyler has finally seen sense, but also that we’re fully booked until March.”

Tyler smiled against Brenna’s mouth. “Good thing you’re going to be living in Lake House.”

“Come down to the house when you’re ready.” Elizabeth urged everyone back toward the lift. “Your parents are joining us for lunch. I’ve invited Tom, too.”

A new phase, Brenna thought, as one by one they melted away, leaving her alone with Tyler.

“This is surreal. A few hours ago I was wondering how I was ever going to make it through today. It’s gone from the worst day of my life to the best.”

“The best hasn’t happened yet. I saved that part until last. It snowed last night.” He lifted the hood of her jacket to keep her warm, and there was a wicked look in his blue eyes. “I happen to know where we can find untracked powder.”

“Now? The others are waiting for us.”

“We’ll join them for champagne later. It’s our wedding day. We should spend it doing the things we love.”

“Really? In that case—” Brenna locked her hand in the front of his jacket, and he gave a slow, sexy smile.

“Yeah, that, too.”

They kissed until she wasn’t sure her legs were capable of carrying her down the mountain, u

ntil she was dizzy with the excitement.

“You have to stop now.” She spoke the words against his lips and felt him smile.

“I’m never going to stop, sweetheart. I’m going to be kissing you for the next sixty years.”

“That would make you more than ninety.”

“So? Gramps is still going to be kissing Grams when she’s ninety. Probably at the kitchen table. You’re an O’Neil now. You need to learn that displays of affection are mandatory at family gatherings to nauseate the opposition.”

They skied down into the trees, through deep snow, and this time she led, skiing fast, challenging him as only she could, all the time aware of the unfamiliar weight of her ring inside her glove.

Brenna O’Neil.

She felt the warmth of the sun on her face and stopped in a glade because with a day of celebration ahead, she wanted this moment alone with him.

Tyler stopped next to her, sinking into the snow. “Something wrong?”

“Not anymore.” She looked at the trees, cloaked in snow, dazzling in the sunlight. “We spent so much time here growing up, it’s perfect to be here today. I can’t believe you arranged all this. I can’t believe you visited my parents.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024