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Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3)

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“You’re sexy—”

“Holy shit—” He kicked the door shut and then gave up the fight and took her mouth. He was out of control and she was, too, and they stumbled toward the stairs, losing clothes, kissing, touching, greedy and desperate.

r />

She tore off his shirt. He stripped off her dress. Her bra hit the floor next and then the tiny scrap of matching silk that was all that was left of her clothing. And then they were both naked and he pushed her back onto the bed, his mouth on hers, his kiss hotly sexual and explicit.

Moonlight streamed through the open windows, spotlighting naked limbs, powerful shoulders, the gleam of black hair, the glimmer of blue eyes.

The heat they generated was ferocious, the need a ravenous beast inside her and she shifted her hips, wanting him so badly it drove everything she did.

His hand slid between her legs, the intimate stroke of his fingers sending a dart of agonizing excitement through her body. His mouth moved lower, fastening on her breast, teasing, driving her wild until her moans turned into a sob and he slid lower and spread her legs. She felt naked, exposed and just for a moment something in her faltered, but he trapped her there, anchoring her hips with strong hands while he tortured her with his mouth and his tongue, each skilled flick driving her higher and higher.

Finally, when she was right on the edge, almost blind with it, he shifted her under him and entered her with a single thrust that made her cry out. Hard, hot, powerful he surged into her and she dug her fingers into the sleek muscle of his shoulders, holding on, afraid to let go because she’d never experienced anything so out of control, so wild. And deep down a part of her knew this wasn’t just sex, that the connection was different this time, and briefly she struggled to regain her emotional balance, to find the level of control that had been her protection for almost a decade, but it was out of her grasp. The armor, the walls she constructed around herself for protection, came tumbling down, or maybe he smashed them down because the way he was looking at her, the way he held her gaze with each driving thrust, left her nowhere to hide. And she realized that this was exposed, not being naked, but sharing this moment of exquisite intimacy with this man.

“Come for me—” he growled the words against her mouth “—don’t hold back. I want all of it. All of you.”

“Sean—” she had no choice but to give him everything he demanded. She was lost, possessed, out of control and she felt sensation erupt and shower them both, dimly heard him groan as her body tightened around his and then she was tumbling, spinning, unable to stop herself, holding on to the strong shoulders, gasping his name against his lips as they crashed over the edge together.

It took a while for either of them to move or speak.

She was aware of the solid weight of him, of the strength of him as he held her, of the uneven rasp of his breathing as he struggled for control. And as for her—

She lay stunned, staring up at the ceiling of her little bedroom, trying not to panic.

What had happened?

“Holy hell—” He dropped his head onto her shoulder and then eased away from her, rolling onto his back and dragging her with him. “I’m proud of us.”


“We made it to the bed. For us, that’s a major achievement.”

Even in bed he made her smile. The panic faded. “The top of the bed. We didn’t manage to pull back the covers. I hope you didn’t drop bits of forest on my white bedcover. It’s very precious to me.” After the intensity of what they’d shared, it calmed her to keep the conversation light.

He lifted himself onto his elbow and eyed the pretty bed piled with soft cushions. “Who the hell has a white bedcover?”

“I do. It’s silk. It belonged to my mother.”

“Fine—next time we’ll just stay in the forest. Anywhere. I’ll give up the pretense of being a modern, sophisticated man. With you I’m right back in the cave, ready to spear something for you to cook.”

Laughing, flattered, she slid her hand over his jaw, feeling the rough scrape of stubble over her palm. “You’d ruin your shoes.”

“Damn, I knew there’d be a catch.” He leaned forward and kissed her mouth. “For you it would be worth it. So are you going to come and live in my cave?”

She knew he was joking but her heart beat a little faster. “Does your cave have silk sheets?”

“Not yet, but it will once you move in.”

“I’ll think about it. Or maybe we could just live in the forest. I love the forest.” She slid her hand to his shoulder, feeling pumped-up muscle and hard strength. He was more powerfully built than Pascal but she knew this man would never use his strength to hurt someone. That was a weakness and Sean was strong right to the core. “I liked being with you in the rain.”

His eyes darkened. “Great. The one thing I can’t fix for you. Maybe I should go outside and do my rain dance. Or we could use the shower. Would that count?”

“I like that idea. Shower and then sex on my silk sheets.”

“Sorry? All I got from that was the word sex. After that I zoned out.” His hand slid into her hair. “The shower is a great idea in theory, but I’m six-two and I’m not sure there’s room in there for both of us. I built that shower, remember? Tyler grumbled nonstop for three days because he kept banging his head when he was tiling. The sloping roof was a bitch to work around.”

“I think it’s charming. And I think it’s time to test its possibilities, don’t you?”

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