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Single Father, Wife Needed

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And then, when she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer, when she thought she was going to have to beg, he moved back up her body and slid a strong arm under her hips, raising her slightly. She felt weak and drugged under the skill of his assault and when she felt the blunt tip of his erection brush against her she gave a sob of delicious anticipation. Stopping him was not an option. Instead of stopping, she encouraged him, opening for him, breathing his name against his mouth until he finally thrust into her, entering her by degrees until she was aware of nothing but him, the hardness and the fullness, and she closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the feelings that erupted as he deepened his possession.

For a moment it felt like too much and she ceased to breathe, her body held tense against the fullness and pressure of his.

And then he stilled.

For a moment everything was suspended. Her body was humming with excitement and his elusive male scent made her dizzy with longing.

He lifted his head just enough to speak. ‘I just had to be inside you.’ As if that were all the explanation that was needed and she didn’t even need to question his explanation because she understood.

He gave her time to adjust, allowed her body time to accommodate him, and then he slid a hand through her hair and lowered his mouth to hers in a kiss so possessive that her head spun and excitement spurted. Unable to help herself, Evanna moved her hips and he gave a low grunt of masculine satisfaction and anchored her against him, taking back control.

She slid her hands down his back, over satin-smooth skin and hard male muscle, drawing him still deeper inside her. And still he moved, occasionally withdrawing and then sheathing himself again until his movements became more demanding and he drove them both hard towards completion.

She felt her body explode and tighten around his, heard him mutter something against her mouth and then felt the spasms consume his own body.

And then, finally, peace descended on them.

Lying there in the semi-darkness, Evanna gradually became aware of her surroundings. She heard the soft hiss of the sea and the distant laughter of people enjoying the last moments of the beach barbecue. She smelt sea and sand and healthy, sexy man.

And she couldn’t believe what had happened.

She kept her eyes tightly shut, unwilling to open them in case looking somehow broke the spell and returned her to her old life. Because she could never go back, she knew that now.

She’d had so many dreams and none of them had ever come close to the reality of making love with Logan. She’d always thought that she understood what it meant to be close to someone, but suddenly she realised that she hadn’t understood at all. She’d been entirely ignorant of the depth of connection that was possible between a man and a woman.

She was aware of him deep inside her, of the fact that he was still hard, and she shifted her hips slightly, enjoying the intimacy.

‘Evanna…’ His voice hoarse, he lifted his head and brushed his fingers over her cheek. Then he gave a soft curse and moved deeper into her, triggering another set of fireworks in her head. ‘I can’t let you go. Not yet.’

Why would he want to? She slid her arms round his neck and moved her hips, feeling his instant response.

‘We should stop,’ she murmured, groaning softly as he moved deeper inside her. ‘Someone might walk past.’

‘I’m not stopping. No way.’

And she had no real desire to persuade him. ‘Then we should move,’ she whispered softly, ‘somewhere more discreet.’

He didn’t reply and she wondered whether he’d even heard her. And then he lifted his mouth from his determined seduction of her breast. ‘All right. Your house. It’s closer and we don’t need the car.’

How they got there she didn’t know.

He pushed her bikini in his pocket, pulled her dress over her head, zipped his shorts and slung his shirt over his shoulders. Then he took her hand and propelled her up the path that provided a short cut to her house.

Once inside he barely closed the door before he brought his mouth down on hers again.

Evanna felt her head swim and clutched at his shoulders. ‘Logan—the bedroom.’

‘Too far.’ He scooped her into his arms, carried her into the living room and laid her on the sofa. ‘Kiss me.’

And she did.

She wrapped her arms round his neck and felt his hand slide her dress upwards and then he thrust hard inside her and she cried out because it was so perfect.


WHEN she woke up he was gone.

Evanna sat up slowly, aware that her entire body was aching in a way that it had never ached before. But no one had ever made love to her like that before.

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