Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance - Page 11

And they were probably a bit nervous to say no.

“Crucifix was one of my favorite bands growing up. A decade later and they’re still putting out top albums. They were banned when they first came out, which made me love them more.”

“Why were they banned?”

“The Kremlin claimed they were too much of a symbol of the Western world, but that didn’t stop them from rising in the Russian underground.”

“What type of songs do they sing?”

“You would think that I liked violent songs, but theirs are…poetic.”

“Aww. My baby is a romantic. I’ll have to check out their albums then.” I glanced up and took in more of the scene.

Several hundred white roses dangled from the ceiling and created an ethereal ambiance.

Jesus. This is not a party. This is a gala.

Gold trees stood at the center of each table. At least twenty crystal globes dangled from the branches. Lit candles sat inside the globes. They were the most dramatic centerpieces I’d ever seen.

We walked further. Many nodded our way. I smiled, but Kazimir barely acknowledged them. He’d explained that these people were the highest echelon of the Bratva. Besides him, of course. At least a hundred people were spread out at big tables—scarred, rough men with gorgeous women in low-cut gowns. Lots of soldiers flanked the walls but still didn’t take away from the sparkling decor.

Where are we going to sit?

I spotted a long table at the end of the room. A massive ice sculpture sat on the far end of the table. A lion roared and towered over us. A small mouse sat on his back, riding him like a horse.

Really, Kaz? Did we have to do a lion and mouse theme?

I swallowed my nervousness.

This looks more like a wedding reception than a simple party.

We came closer to the band and people dancing. In gold light, our names were projected on the floor.

I leaned his way. “This is a small dinner party?”


“And what does a big dinner party look like?”

“You’ll know soon.”

“I bet.” I continued to scan the space. The rock band shifted to another song. Kazimir jerked his shoulders a little with the beat.

I giggled.

“After you meet everyone, we’ll dance.”

Shocked, I laughed again. “Oh, really? The lion is a good dancer?”

“In my way.”

Our elevated table was right in front of us.

I did a quick count of everyone as they turned our way and whispered to each other.

At least fifty couples are in here, not including their men standing along the walls.

Most of the men had exquisite women sitting next to them, dripping in diamonds. Scars marred a few faces. Old age covered others. There looked to be a few handsome men among the space, but not enough to challenge Kazimir’s good looks. Tattoos peeked behind ears and on some necks, but I couldn’t see anymore.

In the Bratva, a tattoo was a person’s resume. How I wished I could see their tattoos before learning their names. There, I could discover if they were good or bad. Pedophiles or an average thief.

While the women seemed to admire my dress and even gaze longingly at Kazimir a few times, several men scowled at me. However, they made sure to do it when Kazimir’s attention fell on me.

It could have been insecurity, but I was getting the vibe that many in the room weren’t excited to see me. While these men probably didn’t hold cheery smiles on their faces, none had looked the least bit pleased when I walked in with Kazimir.

Hmmm. I wish I had my gun. Wait. This is my…house. I have guns all over here…and men.

I checked the space and found my main man, Yuri, dancing by the band.

Where’s Boris?

I glanced over my shoulder, didn’t spot him, and gave up searching for him.

“Don’t worry.” Kazimir guided me to the center.

“This is a lot.”

“It’s just a little gathering.”

We walked over to our glowing names. My glitter gown trailed us.

“Let’s begin.” He guided me to the main table. The set up was interesting. Three other couples sat there.

These must be the other three candidates.

Two empty seats were right in the center. Kazimir took us to those and pulled my chair out.

I sat down. One couple was on my right. Kazimir was on my left along with the other two couples. The man on Kaz’s left grabbed his attention.

I cleared my throat and looked forward, wondering if I could catch sight of Boris or Yuri. This level of partying would be new to them too. They would need to stay focused and not get in any trouble.

The man on my right spoke and extended his hand my way. “Nice to meet you, Emily, or can I call you mouse?”

His accent was heavy, but I didn’t get a Russian tone. He was from somewhere else.

I studied him. He resembled a professor more than Russian mafia. Tortoise shell glasses. Classic leather watch. No diamonds or gold. I didn’t see any tattoos peeking up from the simple tux and bow tie.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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