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Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance

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“I usually don’t pay attention to those things.” Jean-Pierre placed his hands in his pocket.

“People usually look forward to the full moon. Everything feels more magical with that big glowing rock hanging over us.” I gestured to the sky. “But when the new moon arrives, the slate is clean. The night is a thick shadow without the moon’s mystical gleam. It’s a tranquil time. When nature becomes calm.” I directed my view to him. “Humans go calm too. It’s renewal. Re-birth. A time to rethink the choices you made during the last month’s phases of the moon.”

Jean-Pierre spoke, “And you think I should take some time to rethink my choices in these past two years?”

“That would be wise. The new moon is symbolic of the second chance we are given over and over again.” I touched my chest. “I believe I’ve given you many second chances by staying out of this fight, but now I’m in. And, by the next full moon, my uncle will be given all of my resources.”

Misha stepped our way and pointed out at the city. “If my father gets Kazimir’s toys, Paris will become a flat piece of crumbled ruins and dirt.”

Jean-Pierre glared. “That’s a big threat over a small conflict.”

“You’ve bloodied the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg over your violinist,” I roared. “Retreat. You have the next full moon to pull the Corsican out of Russia.”

Misha added, “All of them.”

Rafael entered the conversation. “Then the Bratva won’t be welcomed in France.”

Misha laughed. “The Corsican don’t even own France. We just let you rent it.”

Rafael appeared ready to fight.

“Calm down.” Jean-Pierre got between his men and us. “I make no move until the full moon.”

I leaned his head to the side. “And if you decide to push me?”

“Then, you’ll know, in my way.”

I smiled. “Make sure it’s well thought out, if you come for me.”

“Trust me. I always think things through.”

I nodded. “Then have a good evening, gentleman.”

Not much had come from the French since that conversation. Although there were rumors Jean-Pierre might’ve given men to Sasha to fight me in New York, that would need to be investigated.

I left my thoughts and returned to Pavel. “I may have Abram deal with the French. It would be a good test for him.”

“Abram has his eyes on Sasha’s territory,” Pavel said. “He won’t want to go to France.”

“But he’ll go.”

“He will.”

“And Misha?” Pavel asked.

“Go get him today. You’ll find him through the ballerina.”

“Okay. It’s been some time since I’ve visited St. Petersburg.”

This will be your test. Get the stubborn bastard back to Moscow.

“I came in here earlier for a…sensitive matter.” Pavel stared out the window along with me. “Your men have come to me with a small problem. I think they were afraid to tell you.”

“Then, I need stronger men.”

Pavel gave me a weak smile. “You do.”

I looked at him. “What’s the problem?”

“The cameras you ordered in the mouse’s building last night…”

I frowned, already knowing it would be bad news. “Go ahead.”

“They’re offline. Not removed, just not working. Black screens.”

Of course, she found them.

Pavel continued, “When she leaves the building again, I’ll have my own team go in—”

“No need. She’ll just find those too.”

“My men are good.”

“She’s better.”

“I assume that’s why you fell in love with her.”

“That and many other things.” I turned back to the window.

You don’t want to be watched, mysh. I thought we agreed I would always watch you.

Another van pulled up by her building. I squinted my eyes to get a better view, but it didn’t help. Several white men climbed out, none I recognized. They carried huge boxes into the front entrance and shut the door.

What is she doing over there?

Pavel spoke, “I should confess something.”


His voice came out shaky. “I have someone on the inside of her men. A sort of spy.”


“I was intrigued by who’d you fallen in love with. And with your position and her so close to you…and the ability to wield influence…I knew I must check her out.”

I doubt she’ll like that. She may kill him and you.

They all had tried sneaking around to try to figure her out. Part of me was annoyed. The rest was intrigued by what the spy could’ve found out.

Pavel cleared his throat. “He just called me.”

“What did the spy say?”

“He just wanted to notify me that…the mouse is fighting…and he says she’s damn good.”

My voice rose. “Fighting?”

“She’s training with her men.”

I turned his way. “She’s fighting people in her building at this moment?”

Pavel nodded.

I marched off.

“Kazimir?” Pavel hurried on my side, opened the door, and followed me as I stormed through. Several of my guards came along.

Pavel cleared his throat. “However…”

“Enough with your however.” My annoyance rose. “What else?”

“The spy says they’re fighting because she wants to learn systema. A few of her men claim to be good at it.”

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