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Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance

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He straightened his face. “Of course, Kazimir. I will respect them.”

“I want the name of the person who put those heads on the bed, and I want it before we return.”

“How long will you be?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you seen the news, Kazimir?”

“No. Why?”

“Riots have begun all over Russia. The people are out in the streets.”

That’s why Smirnov has been sending his general to my house. He’s seeking the Bratva’s help with the protest. Could the universe just give me one problem at a time? I don’t need to battle President Smirnov now too.

I groaned. “Focus on the monkey heads. I’ll deal with President Smirnov.”

“And Misha?”

“Pavel is going to get him.”

“I’ve heard he’s your number two.” Zahkar shook his head. “Pavel can’t leave your side. You need other men around you—”

“I have my guards.”

Worry creased on Zahkar’s face. “You’ll need a lot more than that. And you may not want to hear it, but at least take my men wherever you go. We don’t need to lose you. No one else can get the brotherhood united right now.”

Honesty hung in his words. In his eyes, there was real anxiety and even compassion.

Zahkar would be good by my side.

I nodded. “I’ll take some of your men with me.”

“And will the mouse’s men go?”

My brightened mood left. “No. They’ll stay here. She needs a break from them.”

“I think they should go. It wouldn’t hurt to have extra men around her especially with someone threatening her with monkey heads.”

I gritted my teeth. “I can take care of her myself.”

Zahkar sighed. “Okay.”

“Just focus on who did it.”

“I’ll have answers for you soon.”

“Good.” I walked up to him and patted his shoulder. “Don’t disappoint me. If you can find the one responsible, I’ll give you anything you want.”

Zahkar’s voice lowered. “What I want is to be on your right.”

“Then, do what a right-hand man does. Find that asshole.”

“And when I find him, can I kill him?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Give him to my mouse.”

“What will she do?”

“Things you would never want to dream of.” Chuckling, I patted his shoulder again and headed away.

“Where are you going?”

“To my favorite French spot.”

“And after that?”

“Wherever the hell I want.”

Chapter 8


I met Kazimir downstairs an hour later.

While I worried for protecting our future, apparently my man planned to party.

Dressed in a slate gray suit, white shirt, and silver tie, Kazimir took my breath away. I checked to see if my mouth hung open.

Why the hell am I worried about monkey head guy if he isn’t? Damn, he’s fine. Just forget about it for now and enjoy the moment.

Outwardly oblivious to his effect on my body, he greeted me with a soft kiss. His finger followed the curve of my cheek. A shiver of lust snaked up my spine. I closed my eyes, waiting it out. Kazimir linked his other arm around my waist. I swore I felt the same shiver in him as soon as he touched me again.

He grunted. “We should’ve showered together.”

I opened my eyes. “We never leave the house after we shower together.”

“That’s fair.” He drank me in.

I’d worn a black dress and no wig since he liked to yank it off and play with my real hair. I’d flat-ironed the tresses and let them hang past my shoulders.

He slipped his fingers through my hair. “We should go now, before we don’t leave the house again.”

“We should.”

We left the second floor of his home—our home. Many of the staff passed us. Freshly folded towels filled the maids’ arms. A few giggled at Kaz as we walked by. Another swooned.

Oblivious yet again, Kazimir kept my fingers entwined with his as we descended to the first floor. “You’ll love this place. The food is perfect.”


“Are you super hungry?” He eyed me. “I’ve already made you wait long enough, and it’ll take some time to get there.”

“No. I can wait for a while.”

“Good. The limo is outside.”

Of course, we’re going by limo. I may never take an Uber again.

I was beginning to catch onto the rhythm of his life—limo time for public functions or moments when he wanted to spoil me. Expensive sports cars were for romantic one-on-ones or missions involving just us. Private planes for emergency trips and travel. Trains for secrecy and fucking. And the helicopter was simply to avoid rush hour traffic.

I tightened my grip in his, anchoring myself to the only thing in his world that was real to me.

Kazimir. How did I ever live without you?

He turning his attention to his man guarding the foyer. “Is everything in place?”

The guy nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Another man came on his right. “Another general has arrived with a message from President Smirnov.”

“I already told him I don’t have the time to talk.”

“He said this was urgent and from the president.”

Kazimir stared at the guard as if he was considering whether he should kill him.

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