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Jagger's Choice (Ruthless Sinners MC 7)

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“Oh, uh … sure, no problem.” Colton quickly handed it over to Menace and said, “I won’t be needing it back.”

“That’s good ’cause you’re not gettin’ it back.”

Menace turned on a few of the lights, and he and Country sat down at one of the tables while I led Colton over to the bar. They both watched us like hawks as I went over to the cooler and grabbed a couple of beers. I placed one in front of Colton and said, “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you and Sadie?”

“I don’t know, man. One minute she’s all happy and acts like everything is fine, and then she goes all cold and distant. I try to get her to talk to me, but she just shuts down. I had no idea what was going on until”—he swallowed hard, and I could hear the anguish in his voice—“I overheard her talking to one of her friends about you. That’s when it all started to make sense.”

“She’s trying to adjust to things.”

“That’s just it. I don’t understand what she needs to adjust to. You guys have been broken up for years.”

“I don’t really understand it myself. I thought she was over this shit.”

“I love her, man, I really do, but I just don’t know.” He took a long tug from his beer before continuing, “I’ve tried to be what she wants, but if she wants you then—”

“She doesn’t want me—” I interrupted. “She wants what we had, or at least, she thinks she does. You gotta make her see that you’ve got a good thing together. Convince her that you’re the one for her.”

“I don’t want to have to convince her of anything.” He ran his hand through his dark hair and groaned. “I’m the one who stood by her, loved her, and asked her to marry me. I’m the one she’s having a kid with, and yet, you’re the one she’s hung up on.”

“If things were good before, they will be again. You just have to give it some time, but stand your ground,” I tried to assure him. “Her world and yours are going to change the second that kid is born. She’ll see you’re the man for her. Just wait.”

“I sure hope you’re right.” He placed his beer on the counter and said, “I need to get my ass home. Should’ve never left her on Christmas Eve.”

“Probably wasn’t the best idea.”

“I really am sorry about earlier.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.”

“You weren’t thinking, but you got lucky. If the circumstances had been different, you wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

“I know, I know, and I appreciate it. I really do.”

“Go home.” I patted him on the shoulder. “Make things right with your girl.”

“I’m sure gonna try.”

I tossed our bottles in the trash; then, with Country and Menace following close behind, I led Colton out the back door. Country and I waited as Menace shut everything down and locked the doors. On our way out to our bikes, Country turned to me and said, “I know we aren’t supposed to talk about Sophie and her therapy shit, but fuck, she must be a magician or something.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Back in the day, you would’ve taken that guy down to Chinatown and never given it a second thought.”

“If it was any other guy and under a different circumstance, I would have. I can promise you that.” I slapped him on the back. “Appreciate you and Menace sticking around.”

“No problem, brother. You’d a done the same for us.”

After a brief goodbye, we were all on our way home. As I rode through town, I couldn’t help but wonder how things would play out with Colton and Sadie. I might not have loved her like I once did, but I still cared about Sadie and wanted her to be happy. I hoped that Colton would stick with her—at least until the baby was born. I wanted to believe everything would eventually sort itself out, but things rarely ever worked out the way I thought they would.

I’d just made it downtown when it started to snow, and all thoughts of Sadie immediately vanished. With the lights shining bright, it was quite a sight to behold, and I had no doubt Sophie would be over the moon with having a white Christmas.

As soon as I got to the condo, I took her gift out of my saddlebag and headed up the steps. When I walked inside, the Christmas tree was lit, a fire was burning, and Sophie was lounging on the sofa in her nightgown. Damn, she looked fucking incredible, which made me feel even worse that I was late getting home. I walked over and kissed her. “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s okay.” Concern flashed through her eyes as she asked, “Everything okay?”

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