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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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“Time heals some wounds,

but love heals them all.”

? Matshona Dhliwayo


Daddy is Home


I stared at the picture of my beautiful family. While we were at the mall, we all jumped in a photo booth and took several silly pictures. Just my three kids and me. I had a dark brown complexion, while their caramel skin showed the evidence of my multicultural union. My husband—their father—had blonde hair and blue eyes. While they didn’t get those blue eyes, they all had hazel ones—gold and glowing when they smiled.

And in this picture, they beamed with happiness.

Portland is going to be different. He won’t find us here.

I’d given both the girls dreadlocks like mine. While I had long black locs, my oldest daughter, Kiara had sandy blonde ones, and my youngest’s were light brown.

My son had begged me to let him grow dreadlocks too, but for now, I’d kept his hair clean cut. It was enough to make sure I twisted the girls and my own hair each month. I would wait for him to get older before adding him to the locking lineup.

I’m blessed.

I set the photo down on my bed and grabbed the huge box of stuff we’d bought from the mall.

It was the first day of December.

I’d waited long enough to not spread our small apartment in Christmas cheer. It had been a long time since I’d been able to release my madness for this holiday.

Finally this year, I can go crazy!

“Okay, guys.” I left my bedroom and dragged the box of Christmas ornaments into our small living room. “Who’s ready to decorate the tree?”

The kids didn’t respond. All three stood by the curtained window. My oldest, Kiara peeked out of the corner. The middle child, Jalen held his little sister as she shook.

Please, God. Don’t let it be Wyatt.

My stomach twisted. “What’s wrong, Kia?”

Kiara confirmed my fears as she kept her voice low. “Daddy is here.”

Fear sliced up my spine, but there was no time to be scared. I had to move fast.

“Let’s go.” I rushed over to the counter, put the ornaments down, and raced back to the closet in the hallway. My kids followed. They all knew the drill. Reaching into the closet, they grabbed their pre-packed book bags out and headed to the back door.

“Get your phones.” I grabbed Poppy’s hand. She shook next to me and kept my pace. No words left her mouth, but none ever did. She’d stopped speaking at five, right after my husband brutally beat me in front of her. Now eight, she still didn’t utter a word.

I hurried back to the window and peeked out. My heartbeats slammed in my chest. Sure enough, the kids had been right. The monster was outside of the front door, kneeled over with a screwdriver, and messing with the knob.

It was eight in the evening, but he knew that if he knocked, it would signal us to run.

You can’t just let us have a few months of peace?

I backed away from the curtain and glanced down at Poppy. Her eyes watered.

“It’s going to be okay.” I pulled out my stun gun from the book bag and guided her to the back.

Kia and Jalen waited at the back door.

I whispered. “Ready?”

They all nodded.

I hate that they have to go through this.

I held back my tears. “Everything is going to be okay.”

Let’s hope I’m not lying.

“You’re right, Mommy.” Kia pulled out her own stunt gun. “If Daddy comes close, I’ll get him.”

“No. Just run to the car, make sure everyone is in and lock the door.”

Kia widened her eyes. “But, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I’ll be fine.”

Kia’s voice cracked. “No, you won’t.”

Kia gripped the stun gun harder and raised it in front of her, readying herself to shoot. At thirteen, Kia shouldn’t have had to do this. Neither Jalen who had just turned ten on Thanksgiving. There biggest worries should’ve been about Christmas presents.

Jalen took Poppy’s hand. “I’ve got her, Mommy.”

“Thank you, baby.” Slowly, I unlocked the back door and opened it.

Wyatt stood right there.


His next move was sudden, happening without warning.

Wyatt shoved me back into the apartment. I stumbled into Poppy. Before I could make sure she was okay, Wyatt hit me with a vicious backhand blow. My face exploded in pain.

Kia raised the stunt gun to him.

Wyatt caught the movement.

“No!” I charged for him, but it was too late.

Wyatt twisted violently and punched Kia her in the face.

Screaming, Kia fell back against the wall.

The stunt gun dropped to the floor. Poppy lowered to the ground and clamped both hands over her mouth as if it were vitally important that she didn’t scream.

You, motherfucker!

Full of rage, I attacked him, wrestling against those huge arms. Stamping and kicking. With all my energy, Wyatt still had no problem shoving me away.

My back smashed against the wall.

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