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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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This place really is big.

Everything showed bright and inviting. White tiles, white sink, white tub, all enamel and with clean tiling.

Noise sounded behind me.

I turned.

Yoshiro came in, carrying a queen mattress. He placed it on the floor and left. Next, he brought in a pile of towels, blankets, and sheets.

To my surprise, Jalen helped Yoshiro with making the bed on the floor. They both moved around in silence as if speaking through their minds.

And while I had intended to help, my attention was captured by the way the well-defined muscles in Yoshiro’s upper arm bunched and flexed beneath his shirt’s fitted material.

What are you doing?

I shook my head and walked over. “I’ll help.”

“We’ve got it.” Yoshiro waved me away.

So, I stood there and watched, trying to push the sensations coming to life inside of me. Now wasn’t the time. I was supposed to be in survival mode. Still the sight of him moving things around and helping my son make the bed, made me a little hot and bothered. It had been a very long time.

Stop it.

Yoshiro gave Jalen a thumbs up. “Good job. I think we’re finished.”

“Yeah.” Jalen nodded and then returned back to me.

Yoshiro smiled at us.

Again, we were huddled up in our protective group.

“Do you think you need anything else?” Yoshiro pointed to the pile of blankets and towels he’d placed on the nightstand by the bed. “I brought those in.”

“That’s perfect. We should be fine.”

Giving me a sweet smile, Yoshiro added, “But, if you’re not, let me know. I’m right next door.”

“Of course.” I had a silly grin and I didn’t know why. I wiped it off my face. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He waved goodbye. “See you later, crew.”

No one said anything.

Soon as he left, Kia shook her head and smiled. “I don’t think he’s a bad guy.”

I watched the door. “No, it doesn’t seem like it.”

Regardless, I wanted the kids relaxed, but I would still remain on guard.

Jalen nodded in agreement. “He can’t be a killer with those rap skills.”

Kia snapped her fingers. “Oh. . .baby baby. Oh. . .baby baby.”

“Be nice, Kia.” I let out a long breath. “Get comfortable, guys. It’s not what we expected for today, but it’s what we got so. . .enjoy it. Always count everything as a blessing.”

They took off their sweaters. All of them had shirts on under it. They only had two change of clothes and one pair of pajamas in their emergency backpacks. I always forgot things like slippers.

“Wash up as much as you can.”

They did as instructed.

Poppy hurried to her bag and pulled out her doll, Tameka.

Not undressing yet, I checked my pocketbook and turned on my phone. I’d been saving the battery the whole time, just in case I didn’t have a chance to charge it.

I had five missed calls. They were all from Mom.

Yeah. You told Wyatt. He must’ve told you what happened and now you’re wondering where we’re at. Well. . .I’m not telling you.

I shut my phone off. “Okay. Who’s sleeping where?”

Jalen and Kia fell down on the bed on the floor, exhausted and appearing close to passing out.

“Cool.” I nodded. “Poppy, you’re with me. Go to the bathroom first.”

Poppy did. But when she finished, she walked over to the door instead of the bed.

I raised my eyebrows. “What up, baby?”

She pointed at the door and smiled. “Dogs?”

I stood there in shock.

Kia sat up in her bed. “Did she just speak?”

Poppy stayed quiet but kept pointing.

My heart started beating rapidly at the unexpected surprise. Tears left my eyes. “What did you say, baby?”

Still smiling, Poppy shook her head and went to bed.

“Wait.” Beyond excited, I hurried to her. “Baby, you want to see the dogs?”

Nodding, Poppy yawned, held Tameka close to her, and lay down on the pillow. Her eyes fluttered and right when I thought she was going to say something else; she closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Stunned, I looked at Kia. “She said something.”

Kia grinned. “She did.”

Jalen muttered, “Fuck.”

I frowned. “Jalen, no cursing.”

“Sorry, but that was cool.”

“It was,” I mumbled.

We all stared at Poppy, watching her sleep. After a few silent minutes, I scratched my head and gestured for them to go back to bed. “Okay, guys.”

I sighed, holding on to the joy that came with Poppy’s first words in years. “Get some sleep. Hopefully the snow will be gone, and we’ll be out of here in the morning. . .somehow.”

Kia’s face brightened. “Or maybe, Poppy will play with the dogs and say something else.”

“That too.” I nodded. “But even more important is getting out of here.”

Jalen yawned. “Do you think he’ll let us keep the gun?”

“Oh my God.” Kia shook her head and lay down on her pillow. “You’re so ridiculous, J.”

“I’m not.” He frowned. “It’s a valid question.”

I laughed. “I don’t know, Jalen. Let’s just get some rest.”

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