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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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It had shocked me, but would it stun the reader?

I’d been unprepared for the conversation. My body trembled. Not in fear, but in anticipation at the idea of more. But fear gripped my heart. It kept me at bay. I had kids to think about. I had a broken heart and a shattered soul to fix.

Was I even ready for more. . .with anybody?

I heard the sound of the kids pile into the house, rose from my desk in the bedroom, and headed down there.

Kia and Poppy made turkey sandwiches at the table.

I looked around. “Where’s Jalen?”

“Talking to Yoshiro about those stupid books.”

I’d never seen Jalen get comfortable with any man. Granted, we never really had one around us for too long. It was just a mail man or a store manager. No man inside of our living space. I didn’t know how I felt about Jalen’s warming to Yoshiro. Usually my son was on guard and near me.

In fact, usually all of the kids remained by my side.

We were now in the second week of living here and I barely saw the kids as much. Sure, we slept in the room together and I went over their schoolwork with them, but during their off time—they ran free.

“Mommy, are you okay?” Kia held the knife smothered in mayo in mid-air. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes.” I tapped my foot. “How do you feel about being here?”

With no hesitation, she said, “I love it.”


“I feel safe.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Why?”

She frowned. “You don’t think we should feel safe?”

“Oh no. I was just wondering.”

“The dogs wouldn’t let Daddy come without letting us know. They would bark. They’re like furry alarms.”

“Good point.”

“And Yoshiro gave you the shotgun. Daddy would have never done that.”

“Nope.” Poppy lay a slice of turkey on the bread.

Kia continued, “And he still lets you keep the shotgun, which means he doesn’t mind, if you shoot him.”

“Well. . .it doesn’t mean that exactly.” I shook my head. “He just wants me to feel protected and be able to defend myself no matter what.”

“Yeah.” Kia put the mayo away. “I like that too.”

I grinned at them. Sometimes, kids were so simple. Black and white. There was no in between with them. No gray areas. Perhaps, adults over complicated situations.

“Yoshiro has offered to let us rent out the house in the back.” I pointed in that direction. “It’s a three bedroom.”

Kia sat down in front of her sandwich. “Why can’t we live here?”

Shocked, I asked. “What? Live in the house with him?”

“It’s working out.”

“Kia. . .we can’t live with him like that.”

“I just. . .”


“I feel like Daddy wouldn’t come in here, if he saw Yoshiro. He would be scared.”

“Yep.” Poppy finished making her sandwich. Instead of putting the turkey up, she sat down and began munching.

“We’re not going to stay with Yoshiro in his house.” I went over to the pack of turkey and put it away. “It’s his place. He’s nice enough to offer us the rental over there.”

Munching, Kia nodded.

“And if Wyatt came around. . .Yoshiro would be there.”

“And we’ll still have the shotgun,” Kia added.

“Yes.” My throat grew weak. “Are you nervous about Daddy coming?”

“No.” Kia drank some of her lemonade. “We always win and get away.”

Hope filled me.

While I’d saw all of those moments as failures, Kia had counted them as wins. For her, not being around Wyatt—not being trapped—was a victory. It didn’t matter, if we left with bruises.

“You’re right, Kia. We always win.”

Jalen’s loud laughter came from beyond the den. He must’ve been in the studio where Yoshiro painted.

Kia shook her head. “I bet Jalen is boring the hell out of Yoshiro.”

Poppy smirked. “Yep.”

I love Poppy and her talking. Thank you, God.

Curious, I headed back there, walking past the living room and down the hall. I hadn’t been to his studio before. We’d already taken over a good part of Yoshiro’s house. I wanted to maintain his privacy as much as possible.

Jalen laughed again. “But that could be true.”

Yoshiro’s voice came next. “You try and you’ll find it to be impossible.”

I rounded the corner and peeked in.

They looked up. Yoshiro had a book open in his hand as Jalen held his stomach and laughed on the floor.

“Mommy,” Jalen giggled. “Yoshiro thinks Striker is an idiot.”

I smiled and stepped in. “Why?”

Yoshiro seared me with a heated gaze.

I had to look away and focus back on Jalen. If not, I would’ve been lost in those eyes. After that confession, I could no longer pretend or ignore what was happening between us.

Jalen rose from the floor and pointed to the page Yoshiro had opened. “Yoshiro just got to the airport scene where Striker blasts everyone, and Yoshiro thinks that it would’ve been impossible for him to even get inside with the automatic—”

“Hold up.” I raised one hand in the air. “The hero is involved in a mass shooting.”

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