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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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I cleared my throat. “Nothing.”

A smile came on Ebony’s face.

Kia turned to Kevin. “But, what type of job—”

“It’s a. . .” Kevin drank some water. “It’s a dancing place.”

“Oh.” Kia quirked her brows. “I thought it was a bakery.”

“Well there’s sweets—”

“It’s a boring place.” I waved Kevin’s explanation away.

“That’s right. Real boring. You would hate it. Stick to writing poetry, Kia.” Kevin rose, took out his phone, and left the table. “I’ll call Harold and let him know what’s going on. Then, I’ll call up Strawberry, Cinnamon. . .all the girls.”

Shocked, Kia asked. “Is there a Chocolate?”

“Definitely, a Chocolate and even a Cocoa,” Kevin called over his shoulder.

“Wow.” Kia picked up a roll. “We have to go there. I love chocolate.”

“And honey,” Jalen added.

“We’re not going there.” I shook my head.

Ebony laughed. “Guys, it’s an exotic dancing club.”

Kia and Jalen giggled. Poppy ignored us and snuck a peace of her roll to Salt.

I stared at Ebony. “Really? You just told them.”

“One of our Airbnb spots were right next to a strip club. Unfortunately that presented a homeschool teaching moment out of nowhere.”

“The Dollhouse. That was the name of the place,” Kia chimed in. “Yoshiro, there were no dolls there.”

“I bet.” I smiled.

“I’m not going to work at a place like that,” Kia said. “For one, the women don’t get health insurance.”

Completely uncomfortable, I asked, “Excuse me?”

Ebony explained, “I presented the advantages and disadvantages of a woman working at a place like that. Not a lot of financial independence. If they hurt themselves, there’s no health insurance. Plus they deal with sexual harassment. Drug abuse.”

Jalen giggled and pointed at me. “Look at Yoshiro’s face.”

I straightened it. “That’s good. . .information.”

“That’s why I’m not working there.” Kia nodded.

“Never.” I turned to her. “You’ll never work there.”

Everyone laughed.

It was odd that this feeling of protection for the kids expanded beyond keeping them from Wyatt. The very idea of Kia possibly working in a strip club made me anxious. While I never judged the women of Titty Palace, I wanted more for Kia. She was smart, bright, and very innocent.

I studied all of the other kids.

They’re all getting to me. I want the best for all of them. How did that happen so fast?

I pondered those thoughts more as dinner finished.

Ebony tried to help them clean, I intercepted and assisted myself. Pouting, she sat back down and watched us.

“Where is Kevin going to sleep?” Jalen asked.

“In the studio downstairs.” I took over dishes to the counter.

Jalen pushed the topic more. “But what about all the empty bedrooms upstairs?”

“He’s more comfortable downstairs.” I went back to the table and grabbed some glasses.

“Uh. . .” Kia looked up from the sink and paused from washing the plate in her hand.

“What’s up, Kia?” I stared at her.

“Can we. . .one day stay in the extra rooms?”

“Kia, we’re not going to overstay our welcome,” Ebony said.

“No.” I shook my head. “Those extra rooms are available to any of you.”

The kids looked at Ebony.

She wore a shocked expression. “Do. . .you all want to be in your own rooms?”

“Yeah.” Jalen smiled. “Kia farts too much.”

“I do not.” Kia frowned. “Mommy, I don’t ever fart. Tell him.”

“Guys, let’s focus.” Ebony raised her hands mid-way. “We can try staying in your own room tonight and see if you like it.”

“I’ll rather sleep with Poppy in my own room.” Kia went back to washing the plate. “If that’s okay with Yoshiro.”

“Fine. I’m a man.” Jalen showed off his small muscles. “I should be in my own room anyway.”

Ebony turned to me. “Are you sure this is okay, Yoshiro?”

I couldn’t keep the wicked smile off my face. “I support this a hundred percent. Everyone’s safe. There’s no need to group together for sleeping quarters.”

Poppy gazed at her mother. “Will you be lonely, Mommy?”

Ebony widened her eyes. “Oh, no, Poppy. I’ll be fine. I just want to make sure you’re not scared.”

Poppy turned to me. “Can Salt and Pepa sleep with us?”

“That’s up to them.” I studied the dogs. “Although Pepa has been wanting to sleep with you for the longest.”

Poppy giggled.

“And don’t worry about your mom.” I winked at Ebony. “I’ll check on her, when she needs it.”

Ebony rolled her eyes, but still a blush came over her face.

Chapter 21

Jillin’ Off.


Alone, I sat in my bedroom and made a long list in my notebook. The SUV still needed to be fixed. I’d gotten comfortable staying with Yoshiro and let several things fall to the side. But how could I not relax for a while, when we could finally stop running?

However, the roads were clear and snow almost melted. It was time to get back to work. I put the pen and notebook on my nightstand.

Silence fell across the house.

Kia and Poppy slept in the bedroom across from mine. Jalen was in the one next door. For the first hour, I kept sneaking into their rooms and checking on them. Of course everything was fine. While I thought that they would have a problem with sleeping away from me, I was learning that the anxiety had been in only my heart. Granted, they finally felt safe here. They didn’t know all of the things happening in the background—Yoshiro breaking into Wyatt’s girlfriend house or the big shootout this morning.

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