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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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Damn. I need his hands. What would he do?

In my head, he sucked on my nipples and pumped in me some more.

So perfect.

And he fucked me. Harder. Deeper. Faster. I rocked into my hands, loving all the imagery, wishing that I would never have to stop.

My heart boomed in my ears.


And then Yoshiro came, spurting cum inside of my pussy.

Loudly, I moaned.

Shit. Be quiet.

And then I gave up as I drowned in my own orgasm.

“Yoshiro,” Moaning, I climaxed against my wet fingers. My body trembled, rocking the bed. It had been so long. I must’ve rode pleasureful tremors for a few minutes.

At the end, I caught my breath.

And right when my breathing went steady, I swore I heard footsteps sound outside of my door.

I froze in horror.

Oh my God. Did someone hear me?

The next sound was Yoshiro’s door closing.

Fuck. He heard. No. He didn’t. It was just. . .a coincidence. He happened to go to sleep as I. . .came. . .loudly.

Mortified, I covered my mouth and nervously laughed. My damp fingers smoothed against my mouth. I moved them and licked my lips.

I like my taste. I’m not going to be drinking my pussy or anything, but. . .I’m. . .flavorful. Oh, God. Just stop.

Quietly, I rose from the bed, went into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. When I finished, I dried off, but instead of going into the room to put on clothes, I stood in the mirror and stared at myself.

You’re. . .beautiful.

I swallowed.

Yoshiro’s and my conversation from the attic returned.

I’d explained, “I never look in the mirror after. . .one of Wyatt’s meetups. I always avoid my reflection.”

“Why?” he’d asked.

“Because the mirror never lies. The mirror isn’t like a person. It won’t say something nice to not hurt your feelings. It’s going to show you the entire, ugly truth of the situation.”

“I disagree, when your concerned.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your face was beautiful, even with the bruises and swelling.”

“See.” I’d grinned. “People will say the nicest things.”

“It’s the truth.”

“It’s not. People don’t look beautiful with black eyes and swollen lips.”

“You did.”

I left mirror and returned to my bed without putting on any clothes. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I loved it. I felt like I was slowly becoming me. Perhaps it was the me that I had been before. Or a new me emerging from the surface.

Chapter 22

No Stopping


When I headed to bedroom, I heard a moan sound from Ebony’s bedroom. My cock jerked in my pants. I stopped near her door, thinking I was crazy. Surely she had fallen asleep by now. But another moan came. Next, she whispered my name.

It took every part of me to drag myself away from her door as she moaned even louder. Clearly, she was masturbating.

Leave her alone. . .for now. Give her the privacy. . .for now.

Opening my door, I licked my lips and gripped my cock. It would take forever to fall asleep knowing all of the nasty things that were going on next door to me.

That’s right, Ebony. Enjoy your pussy. Warm her up for me.

Kevin and I had stayed up most of the night, waiting for Harold’s call. Right before I left Kevin, I called Harold myself. The owner confirmed that no new man had entered the club. It had been a quiet night of regulars.

Kevin opened up his laptop and did a quick check of Wyatt’s credit card. We discovered that Wyatt had booked a spot right in Tenino, directly across the street from Titty Palace.

It was named Hotel Paradise and one of those cheap pay-by-the-hour places that some of the drugged up strippers used to make extra money. Usually, they found a guy in the club, offered him a deal for some pussy, and met him in the hotel later that night. Unfortunately, many of those same dancers never walked out alive.

Wyatt knows that Ebony’s in the area somewhere. He just has no idea who’s helping her. Nervous, Tough guy?

The shower sounded from Ebony’s bedroom next.

That didn’t help things knowing that she was done, but now wet and naked.

I shook my head.

She’s driving me crazy. Does she know how much?

I collapsed in my bed with the stiffest erection known to mankind. The people from world Guinness Records should’ve come through and reported it. Then, they could’ve weighted my blue balls and set that record down too. It sucked that Santa wasn’t real and that I didn’t believe in him. If I could, I would’ve written him a letter.

Dear Santa,

I would like Ebony’s pussy for Christmas. If not, then just put me on the naughty list for next year because I will be really bad.


I lay on my back with my cock pointing up to the ceiling, begging to fuck something—the air, my hand, the tight wet pussy next door.

Just get over it. You’ll be fine. Fuck. Why didn’t Wyatt show up? This is a great time to kill someone.

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