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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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“Does it matter?” I took another half-step.

“Stay right there.” Wyatt glared.

I raised my eyebrows and yelled in a shocked voice. “Ebony! What are you doing here?!”

Wyatt turned.

I dove for him and punched him in the back of the head. He shot out and probably hit one of the private dancing rooms. Kevin tried to help, but only got in the way.

From behind, I got my arm around Wyatt’s neck. “Clear the club!”

Kevin raced away.

Wyatt jumped back, crashing my body into the wall behind me. I lost my footing and my hold. He took that opportunity to race off toward the back, not going back into the club’s main section. It was a smart move. He had no idea if I had more friends in that direction.

I flipped the trench and took out the Glock, ready to fire bullets in that motherfucker’s head.

We end this tonight.

I’d been in this section before. The back of Titty Palace was like a maze. Harold didn’t make all his money off the girls. There were secret private rooms for gun deals and other things. Tenino didn’t have a huge gangster presence, but there were a few tough guys that liked to rent out Harold’s rooms to make private illegal deals.

With the Glock pointed, I entered the hallway and closed the VIP section’s door behind me. Five more steps brought me to the girls’ dressing room. Five dancers sat quietly inside, topless and terrified.

He went through here.

I gestured to the side door.

One of them nodded. The others stayed out of it, probably not wanting to be a part of anything dealing with two men with guns.

Slowly opening the door, I let the Glock guide me and slipped down the hall toward the kitchen.

It was a weekday. The Chef only worked on the weekends, when there was a bigger crowd.

The kitchen was completely dark except for the dusty light that spilled in from the lounge. I crept up to the edge of the doorway, staying in the shadow, and peeked in. A faint sound of footsteps came on my side.

Staying in the shadows, I pointed that way.

Where are you, buddy? I want to show you where Ebony is.

I hadn’t heard the back door open or slam.

No. He’s in here. He didn’t want to escape. He just wanted to improve his position.

Heart booming, I monitored from the shadows for three minutes. My patience paid off.

Movement came near the small room by the door, right by the sinks and exit. I couldn’t see if he was in there, but I couldn’t think of who else would be crouching in the darkness for several minutes.

He’s going to head for the exit.

In a flash, Wyatt appeared, running for the exit and shooting my way.


I pulled the trigger and dove out of the way.

“Ah!” Wyatt screamed in pain.

Got him.

I fell to the ground, right behind a fridge.

Still the door opened and slammed.

I jumped off the floor.

Shooting sounded outside. Kevin must’ve been clearing the club. I ran past dumpsters, rounded the corner, and searched for Wyatt.

Shouting and confusion erupted all over the place. Several strippers ran to their cars, half-naked.

Twenty feet ahead of me, Wyatt shot into the crowd.


A few men dropped to the ground as if trying their best to dodge bullets. Others shouted. Most screamed and fled the scene.

I shot at Wyatt’s leg.

Ducking the bullet, he raced off to the parking lot and tried to stop one of the cars. The driver came close to running him over. He jumped back.

Where you going, buddy? I bet you wished you brought your car.

I raced after him.

My legs burned.

Sweat trickled down my face.

Looking back, Wyatt realized I was chasing him, kept his pace, and shot back at me. He didn’t even get close, but I was closing feet between us and my Glock was hungry to bust.

But then the unexpected happened.

A massive tow truck sped our way, flashing it’s lights and heading right to Wyatt.

Wait. Is that Donald’s truck?

I slowed my jog.

Wyatt did too.

Skidding across the parking lot, the tow truck continued our way.

What the fuck?!

The tow truck tried to barrel into Wyatt.

Wyatt jumped onto the pavement, rolled along it, and hit the wall.

The tow truck screeched to a stop.

I jogged forward with my gun out, not sure what was coming next. Still, I kept it pointed at Wyatt as he groaned on the ground.

Ebony jumped out of the truck. She held the shot gun in her hand and had it pointed at Wyatt’s head.

O-kay. We’re improvising.

Catching my breath, I dropped my hands to the side and took my time getting to her.

Chapter 24

I love you, Mommy


All around us people screamed. Several cars sped out of the parking lot. The tow truck’s engine continued to rumble. I’d never turned the vehicle off.

Sires blared off in the distance.

With a smirk, Yoshiro jogged to me. “So?”

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