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Steel 7 (Multiple Love)

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“Well, maybe you can make your own destinies in private from now on.” He nods in Luna’s direction. “We’ll have to report into our contact at Blueday that you’re going against their guidance.”

“Their orders,” Luna spits. “Report away. I’m done worrying about the opinions of some sweaty balding corporate executives.”

“I won’t pass on that feedback,” Mr. Wright says, but somehow, I don’t believe him.

We’re only in my suite for five minutes before there’s a knock at the door. I say knock, but really, it’s an impatient thump. Mr. Wright uses the spy hole and mutters something under his breath before opening the door.

And there they are.

My gorgeous men of steel. The loves of my life. The men who want to give me the only thing I’ve ever really truly wanted.

A family.

They stream into the room, ignoring the suited men who’ve replaced them in an official capacity. When Mr. Wright puts a hand up, I tell him to stand down. This is my life. They are my men. No one is going to stop them from being with me ever again. Hudson leads me by the hand into my room, and when they’ve all passed through the door, Jax closes it for privacy.

I don’t even get a chance to speak before they’re on me, hugging the breath out of my lungs and kissing the words from my lips. “Luna,” they say over and over as I’m passed between the men whose touch warms my heart. Jax is the first to place his hand over my stomach, gazing down at my still normal-looking belly as though it contains the secrets of the universe. “Is it real?” he asks.

Nodding, I put my hand over his. “It doesn’t feel like it’s real, but it is. The doctor was very definite about the result.”

“And you’re happy about it?” His soft brown eyes widen with hope.

“Happy doesn’t even come close to how I feel about it,” I say. “But what about you guys? This isn’t exactly what we set out to achieve.”

“It’s better than that,” Connor says. “So much better.” He rubs the spot on his arm where his tattoo is hidden beneath his shirt. Nothing without effort, it reads. I guess, when you think about it, we did put in a lot of effort to make this baby. Maybe not intentionally, but I still appreciate every moment we were together.

The emptiness I’ve felt since they left has gone. With my men around me, I feel whole again.

“Does that mean that we’re back together?” Ben asks hopefully.

“I think it does,” Mo says. He winks one of his dark eyes at me, and I immediately remember what it was like to hold onto his body and feel him easing inside me. I remember what it was like with each of these men, and even though I can’t put my finger on the exact moment our baby was conceived, it doesn’t take away anything from it.

“I’m going to tell Blueday the truth. That I’m having a baby and that we’re together…all of us. If that’s what you want.” I add the last bit because I’m still in disbelief that this is all happening. I’m still struggling to comprehend that even one of these men would want to step up in these circumstances, let alone seven.

“Of course it’s what we want,” Connor says with absolute conviction.

“You should do it soon before those goons out there have a chance to get in there first, and the press has time to report it,” Mo says.

“It’s probably out there already,” Elijah says. “News doesn’t publish overnight these days. It’s uploaded in seconds.”

“Even more reason to pick up the phone now.”

So that’s what I do. I call my agent and ask him to link in someone at Blueday – whoever he can get hold of – and I tell them everything.

It would be an understatement to say that their response isn’t happy.

But I don’t care.

When I hang up the phone, I feel the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Who knows what’s coming next? All I care about is that I’ll have seven men by my side as we walk a new path.

And I couldn’t be more excited.



We can't all stay with Luna. There's not enough room in the suite, and anyway, she needs to get some rest. Hudson and Asher stay to keep watch over her and make sure she gets everything she needs. There's no way we're trusting the safety of her food and drink to anyone else at this point.

I head over to see Angelica first thing in the morning, with Mo and Ben. We haven't slept at all, but that isn't going to stop us from doing what needs to be done.

We wait in the lobby of her hotel and call up to Angelica's room, hoping she'll want to talk to us. After she tried to keep us away yesterday, I'm not so sure, but at least, if she puts the phone down, we'll be here to intercept her on her way out.

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