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Steel 7 (Multiple Love)

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“Oh, so you’re going to be kindred spirits…”

“That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying she knows. She gets it. There won’t need to be any explaining. And she’s hotter than hell.”

Hudson nods, his brow raising as he casts his mind across the mental images of Luna that he’s gathered. “What makes you think she wants to slum it again, Jax? Now she’s climbed to the top of the pile, she could have the pick of any man. Shit, most celebrities end up marrying another celebrity. She might have grown up in your world, but she’s so far out of it now.”

“I don’t think she’s that kind of girl,” I say. “I think she’s got her feet firmly on the ground.”

“Regardless, she’s off-limits, okay?”

“Now you’re starting to sound like Connor.”

Hudson tosses a pillow at me, accompanied by a grin. “Connor’s my brother by another mother, but there’s no way I’m as serious as that dude.”

“It’s okay. I get what you guys are saying, but…”

“No buts, Jax.”

“Do you remember when we took Luna to visit her brother’s house?”

“Yeah. I didn’t go inside, though. What was it like?”

“Cool. There were six dudes living together and one girl.”

“I saw that girl. The one in the skimpy pajamas.”

“You know that they’re all living together. Six dudes and one girl?”

“Living together like housemates?” I shake my head, and Hudson’s eyes bulge. “Shit…is that even a thing? I mean, I know there are men out there who want multiple wives. It’s a cultural thing. But are there dudes who want just one wife?”

“I guess there are. I overheard Connor discussing it with the label. They’re worried it might get out and cause Luna publicity issues.”

Hudson rubs his stubbly chin, nodding his head. “That could be bad.”

I throw my arms along the back of the couch, watching on the silent TV as police arrest a wanted felon. Damn, the news never shows anything positive. “You ever thought about what it will be like when we all get girlfriends, and those girlfriends turn into wives?”

“And those wives breed spawn.” He grins, showing his pearly white teeth.

“Exactly. I mean, can you imagine us with families? Will we meet up at the weekend for barbecues? How will it work?”

“How the fuck should I know? To be honest, I don’t hold out much hope. Maybe we’re all too battered in one way or another to find the perfect relationship. All of us have made our fair share of terrible decisions when it comes to life and women.”

I nod, my mind trawling through all the bad experiences we’ve had. There have been more than a few manipulators, and they are the worst. Constantly trying to isolate you from your family and friends and always trying to turn you to their way of thinking or using sex as a weapon.

“We need to get better at those decisions,” I say. “There is no way I want to end these years I’ve spent with you guys falling out over some chick.”

“I hate the phrase, but bros before hos.” Hudson grimaces, but I totally get what he’s saying. The problem is that men are so driven by their physical urges that bros often get left behind. It’s not until you’re deep in the shit that you realize what you’ve lost.

“You think Luna would be up for the same kind of lifestyle as her brother?”

Hudson begins to laugh, the effort to suppress the volume forcing him to curl over and bite his fist. I shake my head and roll my eyes, pissed that he’s not taking me more seriously. I guess I’m asking for too much, bearing in mind I spend most of my time trying to be humorous. “Fuck, no,” he eventually mutters, then starts laughing all over again.

“Why the hell not? It’s in her family.”

“There’s a lot that’s in all of our families that none of us want to replicate,” he says.

“It would give her the ultimate level of security.”

“And the ultimate negative exposure when it comes to the press. There’s no way she would keep her success living that kind of alternative lifestyle.”

Maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m mentally stumbling down a path that has thorny bushes on both sides. The thing is, I want her. I want her as much as I wanted the red remote-control car that Santa never bought me when I was a kid. I want her as much as I wanted to escape from my life when I joined the military. I want her as much as I wanted to survive the battles I’ve endured overseas.

If Hudson’s right, I don’t stand a chance.

But I learned early on that having a positive frame of mind can open doors.

I just hope that Luna’s door is one of them.



This hotel room is ridiculous. It’s so large that when I forget my phone in the bathroom, it feels like too much effort to go get it. It’s only when I hear another message vibrating against the counter that I drag my lazy ass out of the princess-worthy bed so I can see who wants my attention.

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